Druma soundpack for A4 AK new link

Great stuff, darenager! Looking forward to the next pack.

Just wanted to throw my 5 cents in to say that this pack is ridiculously goodā€¦really cemented how inept I am at percussion synthesis. Darenā€™s skills are really amazingā€¦itā€™s true, in the right personā€™s hands, the A4 is a truly capable analog drum machine. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and skills, Darenā€¦truly appreciated.

Purchased! :slight_smile:

Me too! :wink:

Just bought the DRUMA bank.

What are the Volca mods you mention in the read me text?

Thanks guys! It really helps to have such nice feedback, Iā€™m hoping that once the new OS arrives a few more people will be tempted to pick these up, once I have finished the classic sounds bank I will make some proper demo clips of both.

Got a few Volca mods planned, mainly integrated breakout box for midi and sep outs, made to look cosmetically nice, also the possibility of a couple of sound mods for the Bass and Keys, but not sure yet as I have not tested my theories. And perhaps trigger out mod for the beats, but not sure if it is worthwhile.

At the moment I am focussing on the next A4 soundbank and Monotribe Drum and VCO mod boards, the former of which are available now the latter in the next few weeks.


In the meantime, I am also going to be releasing an Octatrack version of Druma, and as a way of saying thanks to everyone who bought the A4 version there will be some of the OT pack included for free in the next Druma update. Hoping to release in the next few days.

Purchased !

And thanks for all the amazing things youā€™re doing with the A4 !
I was hooked to your youtube videos, and am super happy to have Druma now.

Looking forward to the Octatrack version as well as your other packs :slight_smile:


Here is a brief video demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MbiBPsJ1YU


Would you happen to know / be able to enlighten us as to whether or not the 1.1 update for the A4 will incorporate some level of MIDI Out sequencing?

Purchased the Druma bank, glad I did. GREAT WORK.

Thanks guys! Donā€™t forget with the +drive these can now be loaded to any bank.

Purchased these today now that I have space for them with the +Drive! Great work! Thanks!

Purchased a while ago but only just loaded up with the new OS. Awesome work ! Great sounds and an even better education for an A4 novice. Thanks again :joy:

purchased :slight_smile: now only 2056 more sounds to load :slight_smile:

I donā€™t think the value of this pack can be overstated now that the new OS has been released. Having an empty project with this sound set loaded gives a fantastic blank canvas for a legit, dedicated analog drum machine. Before the update, I was plugging these in where I could within my existing project but I am not a fan of constantly importing/exporting sysex so I never had all of these sounds loaded at once. Needless to say Iā€™m excited.

yeah the combination of this pack + multimap recording + poly-mode variations + arpeggiators + peformance macros to mangle the soundsā€¦

it can be a seriously alien drum machine, like a Machinedrum-2.0-HD.

love to warp metallic percussion into strange pads with the performance macros, then tweak the quantization on wonky-recorded rhythms (which can morph into completely different rhythms if poly is enabledā€¦), quickly swap track soundsā€¦ itā€™s incredible!

hey Daren, thanks for taking the time to produce Druma - really excellent sounds here and I can learn sooooo much from this - itā€™s freakinā€™ AWESOME. Iā€™ve had my A4 for only a month now and with the new update and this soundpack installed I am even more amazed at how brilliant this machine is!
Looking forward to hearing more analogue synthesis wizardry from you soonā€¦

Thanks for the amazing feedback guys, I am so pleased :slight_smile:

I also contributed to the new presets, though I have not had a chance yet to see which sounds I made ended up in the final selection as I have not updated yet. :confused:

I just bought this and itā€™s great! Now I can leave the MD at home when I visit family this Christmas!