Druma soundpack for A4 AK new link

Thanks guys it means a lot!

BTW In case you missed it DruFMa V1 and V2 for Digitone is worth a look too, between the A4 and DN all drum bases covered :wink:

V1 DruFMa Vol.1 128 drum sounds for Elektron Digitone - Payhip
V2 DruFMa Vol.2 128 drum sounds for Elektron Digitone - Payhip
V1&V2 bundle DruFMa Combo pack Vol.1 and Vol.2 256 drum sounds for Elektron Digitone - Payhip

Also Druma Vol2 for A4/AK is due for release later this year, it is almost done but admin and organisation needs finishing, currently my AK is not available to use at present but once it is set up I will get it finished and ready.



Are there demos for the Digitone soundpacks?

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@plragde Sorry, they should show up on the page, but here they are - by far nowhere near comprehensive examples though, I need to make some more demos.


I didnā€™t know about these! Iā€™ve been using both the DN and A4 for percussion lately. I might be checking out all three packs.

Itā€™s nice to load up other peopleā€™s patches, because there are so many ways to design drum sounds. Itā€™s fun to take them and then tweak them further to my liking.


This is exactly why I made them, for people to tweak as required, so all things like envelopes, filters and structural components of the sounds are there, to save time rather than doing all that from scratch each time say you need a snare or whatever. That said they are of course fully finished sounds ready to use as-is if required. The good thing about using a synth for drums is playing the sounds at different keys can give a nice amount of variety too.


Nice! Yeah, I use patches almost as ā€œpatch templatesā€ really. Even my own patches get tweaked for each context. For drum sounds this is a total time saver.

Have you seen this guyā€™s Digitone drum synthesis tips?

Some really clever stuff in there! Some are pretty standard drum design techniques, but then there are some really interesting Digitone-specific tips, like cross-fading between the X and Y operator mixer with an envelope to get different timbre on the attack. The video isnā€™t new or anything, but itā€™s one of the coolest resources Iā€™ve seen on Digitone drums.


I have not seen that video, though Iā€™m quite an old hand so Iā€™m pretty clued up on drum synthesis, I made presets for Elektron when they first started, and been doing drum synthesis for well over 30 years now (even though Iā€™m only 25 :laughing:) but yep always nice to have handy resources to draw upon, I recommend the SOS drum synthesis articles too.


Ok, maybe nothing new in there for you. There were definitely things in there I hadnā€™t thought of doing on the Digitone specifically

It is always interesting to see stuff like that though, I do watch the occasional synthesis tutorial because even an old dog can learn new tricks :wink:


Just loaded both druma packs on the DN. Thanks for making both packs fit perfectly in one bank, and nice snares!

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Cheers and have fun!