Druma soundpack for A4 AK new link

Hi Daren,

I’ve bought Druma some time ago and it’s really cool, like pretty much everyone here already told you :wink: now I’ve just came across your post about “up-coming” pack, is it on the way? I can’t see it anywhere …

Btw I think it’s worth mentioning, that including some test patterns might be a good idea to be a great learning resource and inspiration :wink:

Hi, i just downloaded druma the other day, and I get get any sounds to load.

I have the newest a4 sysex and the newest version of c6

when i select a sound bank it just says “waiting”. It sends fast from c6 but the a4 does not respond. Please help.

Are you using USB or din Midi? If USB midi check to make sure that it is enabled in the global menu.

Which OS version do you have on your A4?

My bad, it’s working now. I was trying to upload the beta.

Whre where is the link to buy this?


Sadly I’m longer using Sellfy as they closed my account as I wasn’t prepared to go onto a premium account which has a monthly charge, they no longer want customers who only sell a few items it seems.

Sorry for the inconvenience but I will find another platform soon and update this post, in the meantime you can purchase it directly from me via forum message.



Yea, same here. Frustrating that they killed so many grandfathered accounts. Mine included.

FYI, best I’ve found yet for $0/mo is https://payhip.com/pricing. (5% transaction fee)


Thanks @AdamJay yeah kinda bummed out about Sellfy :frowning:

For what it’s worth, I was able to download my stuff off Sellfy, (they’ve still made it available to pull down, at least), and get those two new products uploaded to PayHip, and get my Wordpress site that links to those products updated, all in about 30 minutes.

the PayHip interface looks nearly identical to Sellfy. So the transition was pretty seamless.


I’ve bought sample packs off of reverb.com presumably one could sell them there too?

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Now here https://payhip.com/b/aQB1

@William_WiLD could you please update your list with the new link? :+1:


for sure
(Done everywhere it make sense for the analog four pack)

@darenager You should add the Drum pack tailored for the Octatrack as well. PM me the new link I will update the definitive list for the octatrack

Note that no sample chains are included, long story short I lost the whole thing and had to recreate from scratch, the samples are 16bit 44.1khz. Comprises of 52 Kicks, 42 Snares, 48 Cymbals/Hats, 142 mixed percussion ranging from claps, toms, and others. I decided not to include any patterns or other filler, as I tend to find them quite useless myself, so it is just the sounds raw like sushi

PS @darenager you should release an album called : RAW like SUSHIS

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Of course! Thanks for reminder OT is here https://payhip.com/b/U7wA

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@darenager Seeing this pop up on the feed is making me feel old! It doesn’t feel that long ago at all that I had just picked up an a4 and was cranking out songs with this pack (I’m not generally a soundpack person but this one cracked the a4 wide open). 6 & 1/2 years in a blink…


I know, time flies! :open_mouth:


I’ve been meaning for a while to stop by to say: every goddamned time I see “E=MC SNARE” my day is fractionally improved. That’s some kind of mad genius. Cheers!


Years later, what a gift this soundpack is! Breathed new life into my A4mk1. Thanks @darenager! :clap:


Ok I gotta download this now as well lol


This pack is one of the best advertisements for the A4, my go-to for percussion. Glad to see it still pleasing everyone.