DrumBrute Impact from Arturia

There are great hardware samplers and sequencers around, mmmm what was the name of that Swedish company. Damn forgot. Will pop up again soon…


Another video – Beat Boy Tech – 10 minutes of Corry Banks really performing the DBI. I think this gives a pretty good portrayal of what it’s about.

I was thinking actually that the two would complement each other.

DBI has a song mode and synthesized drums with some nice realtime control. But no automation of parameters except perhaps the color stuff.

DT has no song mode but it’s got parameter locking and other parameter automation.

Coordinating the two together though might be a challenge, especially if the DBI is incapable of sending MIDI program change to DT - that would put a damper on anyone’s hopes of using the DBI’s song mode to organize beats to a song.

I think the coolest thing about pairing a drum machine like the Impact with the DT would be running the mono output of the Impact through one of the DT’s inputs (which bypass the master compressor).

It’d be a way to use the DT’s compressor’s sidechain feature in a traditional manner because you’d be able to duck all your sounds without effecting your drum sounds if you let the Impact take care of all the drum sounds, and the DT play everything else.


That’s a nice workaround.

Use the song mode on the DBI to structure the drum parts to your song (verse A, chorus, verse B, chorus, bridge, etc.). Use the DT effects to add some movement/variation when your hands aren’t free to play the DBI’s onboard controls , though apparently the Roller section on the DBI can receive MIDI CC.

There’s probably some preplanning needed for a live show, so that your hands can be free to change patterns on the DT when needed, but this could be doable.

I think about cacelling my preorder for the DBI.

Free Multiformat Soundpack for Analog 4/AK plus WAV Samples for OT, DT, Rytm,MDUW

Covers a lot of Sounds of the DBI.

OK you dont get that Workflow. But i think DT or A4 with DBI will BE a great Match.

This is an ok soundpack. When I first got my dt I tried to use it a lot. Now it kinda just sits on the +drive.
Not sure it would replace what is possible with the dbi

Yes thats why i am still going Back and forth with it. I also wonder If it is possible to use single cycle Samples in the DT to do synthesized drum Sounds? Are the envelopes fast enough? Layer Sounds, rrsample…

Someone mentioned that Arturia should have simply use more FM Sounds. I Just found this: A4 FM Drum Patch Pack

You have an A4? It can do much deeper drum synthesis (and most likely better sounding) than the DBI, which is more about immediacy


such a bummer this machine doesnt have a midi cc implementation. together with the dt it could be a poor man’s rytm alternative. well guess I stick to analog drum samples and GAS over a Rytm from time to time :wink:

that’s a great pack, i used it on my last track, and can see myself using it more on future stuff too (it’s also very useful for learning about FM drum synthesis on the A4, if you’re interested)

Page 57 of the manual says the touch strip can send/receive MIDI CC.

This picture made it real for me (ah-ha) the size of the DBI.

From the BobEats video. The DBI is about immediacy, as Unifono said.

the FM drum of the DBI sounds really cool!
individual drum random option could be lots of fun.
friendly pricing a welcome feature.

for analogue HiHats though i must say the Rytm has some incredibly tasty options.
different price bracket and all that so it isn’t a relevant statement.

BobEats sounds like his overweight cousin who has a cooking channel. :laughing::joy:


Thank you. Just cancelled my preorder. :wink:

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Haha you’re welcome. As I said, depends if you want immediacy. But for my live gigs I prepared the A4 as a four track drummachine with performance controls, which makes it immediate as well. Fill the soundpool with drum sounds and go crazy with soundlocks. I don’t have the dbi but to me the A4 drums sound huge over a PA.

Another tip @sezare56 told me. Fill your soundpool with drum patches, put the A4 in multimap mode and midi sequence it via OT, DT, DN etc. Each note you send represents a different drum sound.


Actually thats what the DBi does with Color. Those Color Sounds are accessed via Midi through different notes.
Thank you i will try that! A4 mk2 as drum Maschine…totally forgot about it, until i looked for those soundpacks. Yes the perf Parameter setup for Filter, envelopes,fx

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Example with OT and A4’s MULTI MAP + FM Drum Pack in Soundpool. :wink:


Exactly. You can set them up as in typical analog drummachines. Tune, pitch envelope amount, decay, noise level, filter, overdrive, fx etc. It’s only four tracks of course but the soundlocks help a lot.

That’s pretty cool actually

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