
This project looks quite interesting. An aleatoric drum machine - roll the dice!

Alea iacta est.


Love the idea.

Just found out about this a few days ago, I’m thinking about ordering one… has anyone tried it yet?

I’ve just ordered one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Awesome, let me know what you think of it once you get it.

Also, where are you located? With Brexit, I think I will have to pay customs if I order it from their website but I’m not sure (I’m in Portugal).

I’m in UK - it looks like Matt Bradshaw is based in Oxford (UK) so I’m expecting it to be sent from there.
Will post back with initial thoughts.

Sorry for off topic but this reminds me of that guy a few years ago who made a series of quirky machines - there was a book-shaped thing, a sampler that slowly and permanently degraded your audio over time, a drum machine that gave you one different loop every day… anyone know what I’m talking about?


No, but wish I did

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I got one of these coming. Will post impressions if anyone is interested.


Any thoughts?

Yeah I like it. It’s easy to use and also spits out midi if you want. So this makes it a really cool way to make percussion loops or breaks with your samples. It also sounds pretty nice so I’ll fire it up sometimes get a loop going and sample the loop into my black box.

Unfortunately the octatrack sends it too much midi info and crashes it so you’d probably need a midi filter if you want to use it with that.