Drumkit sounds?

Is there any pack to be recommended when it comes to percussive sounds as close as a real drum kit?

Watch this space! I’m working on one, very happy with it so far but about 50% of the way through, it will be available on my payhip store when done, I will post the link once it is ready.

I don’t like to give a deadline as I am working on quite a few packs for various machines at present, and I tend to like to not work on the same one for too long as it gets boring, but should not be too far off.


I’m totally in!

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I really wish Elektron would put out a sound pack for the Rytm with just a great assortment of natural acoustic kits (Gretsch, Slingerland, Rogers, Ludwig). It seems like anytime they do an actual acoustic drum kit, it has to be some glitchy warped version.

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Free acoustic samples from Paul Godfrey, of Morcheeba : https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/SOHPP


Sorry but could we avoid derailing offtopic already? I posted on the Digitone sub for a reason :wink:


Ha sorry I read a bit quickly, only the last messages of this topic.

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Sorry, I didn’t realize this was for the Digitone.

There are great drumkit sounds inside this pack: demo 3 | Heavy Systems, Inc.

The author told me the recent update broke the sounds with LFO and envelopes not reseting properly anymore though.
I wish i’d find a pack in this taste dedicated to drumkit sounds on the DN.

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The max4live plugin by Yvla (Temporarium Secretarium ?) is kind of a DIY drum kit for the Digitone.
Generate -> Cool -> Save
Generate -> Meh -> Generate again

Edit : damn, not even close to real drum. My bad.

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Ahahah yes it’s a Pattern Generator if i’m correct. I was craving for it but i’m waiting for a possible standalone version as i don’t use Max4Live.

She did both : a pattern generator and a random-drum sound generator.
I guess you could use it with a demo version of ableton as it simply send a bunch of midi cc for generating sounds on the dn… But that’s anotha topic !

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This one’s free: Uncanny Valley | Elektron

I checked the demo of Uncanny Valley and was not so conviced though. Maybe i should really give it a try.

Off topic

I am using Linux and I already asked @ylva about a possible standalone. I am not interested in buying his stuff to use in a demo that i should download just for this and not be able to use after a limited time, especially cause I am sure i would use Secret Friend and Secret Temporarium quite extensively :wink:
I am not a fan in general of having to buy something to use another stuff. Seems like exporting to standalone is quite easy to do when you have a license for Max.

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Porting it to Pure Data should be straight forward (probably just a bit tedious)

Quick and dirty preview of a few sounds, there are a number of realistic drum sounds, a few shown here, but also some drum machine type sounds and some other different types of drum sounds from retro to modern.


+1 for Yvla’s random drum patch generator. I have gotten a ton of great drum sounds out of it. Plus it’s super easy to use. I know nothing about MaxMSP and Istill figured it out. It always amazes me how things like that aren’t more blown up on this board. It’s very much “teach a man to fish” type stuff as opposed to sample or sound packs. Also on a “IMHO” note if you are looking for authentic acoustic drum sounds on the DN you might be disappointed. Especially when it comes to snares. The DN and M:C to me come up with very interesting “snare” sounds but nothing really comes close to replicating an actually acoustic snare or even close to a snare from an 808 or other analog drum synth.


909 type snare


Unfortunately, there’s not much I can do to be able to use @ylva’s tools.

I’m not i terested by machine drum, it’s the opposite i’m looking. Any pack is filled with digital sounding stuff. I am quite tired to have to buy packs just to use 10% of it so i would not even buy a pack that is not « themed » or musically coherent.

Love it, Daren :slight_smile:
The biggest challenge on Digitone seems to be a good clap.

In addition to the packs mentioned above, there’s also Digitone Drums and Percussion Patch Pack and Sample Pack

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