DSI Pro 2

I think mine might be on the blink…

In the last few days I noticed the screen turning off sooner and sooner (just now it didn’t even stay on for 5 minutes), and the only way to get it back on is to power cycle it. Something in the sound also seems to change when the screen goes off, but not sure quite what (it’s tough to work out with no screen!).
Tried with screensaver off and on in the Globals settings but made no difference.

I’ve logged a support ticket with Sequential already, but anyone else had the same issue?
Do not want to lose this synth.

No issues here. Perhaps a power issue that can be resolved with service.
Best of luck! :crossed_fingers:t2:

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…and now it seems to be fine. Was trying to dig into the issue to get more info for Sequential support, but everything seems ok now.
The only thing I had done that I don’t normally do is have it receive midi directly from the OT. No idea what happened, but glad it’s still working.

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Thoughts on doing Mono or Stereo output from the Pro 2?

Unless you deliberately try to make it stereo using the delays, everything else is in mono anyway, so no real harm in just going mono.
I’m a sucker for wide stereo sounds though…

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Man, deciding between the Pro 2 and Pro 3 as my ‘mono with keys to double up as MIDI controller’ has genuinely been one of the hardest decisions of my life :laughing:. Similar enough that I’m choosing between them, different enough that it’s really, really not a straightforward decision. I think I’m going with the Pro 2 though, on the whole I just prefer the sounds I’ve heard from it online and the potentially weird interactions between the linear FM, paraphonic stuff and filter routing are really appealing.

One thing I haven’t managed to clarify from reading the manual etc. is can the tuned feedback be used to process incoming audio? I see there’s another feedback parameter in the character section which is only in play when there’s no external input so I’m assuming/hoping the tuned feedback is totally separate from that?


I’ve not noticed a feedback parameter in the character section?
I believe the tuned feedback will work with external audio, as it’s literally just sending audio from the output back in earlier on the signal path.

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Yeah audio in goes through the full audio path, if you like it or not so tuned feedback works on it.

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Great, that’s what I’d originally assumed but got thrown off after seeing there was some other feedback going on. I got muddled up though, it’s not in the character menu but the external input control in the oscillator section functioning as internal feedback when nothing is connected (I guess essentially just negating the need for the ‘headphone jack into external input’ trick). Sorry for the confusion.

I was struggling to clarify if that loop was separate or connected to the tuned feedback in some way so thanks both for the info. I’m guessing if they’re both taken from the output one must cancel out the other somehow if you have them both turned up?


Can’t say I’ve really tested them both at once in my memory, but the audio in based feedback is much more like a drive effect in my memory, to which you also have a digital drive and a filter drive. I don’t think I actually used the audio in based one much at all as I usually had something routing into the input.

Actually contemplating selling mine soon, as much as it pains me my current space isn’t really conducive to it getting used.

Weeeell if you happen to be in the UK I’m on the lookout… Bit annoyed with myself for not enquiring about the one that was for sale on here a few weeks back but I was a lot more undecided about which to go for at that point. If I can throw some VCOs through the Pro 2 and have all the mangling etc. available it’s probably the best of both worlds.

I’d love to see them put something new out that runs with the Evolver/Pro 2 ideas but with Sequential’s recent price hikes I dread to think how much it’d cost even if they did.

Yeah I’m in the states unfortunately, used prices definitely seem to be on the climb on it but I guess that might just be gear prices in general.

Just bagged myself a Pro 2 for £800 on eBay, no box but I can live with it at that price! Mildly concerned about how it’s gonna be packed but otherwise - super hyped.

No doubt I’ll be asking many daft questions in this thread in the very near future.


Yeah, I saw that one myself. Thought it was a real bargain if no one else bid. I paid £920 for one, with a box though, just before Christmas. So you have got a great deal.

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don’t get too stressed. probably 90% of used synth sales are done without the original box. as long as the seller has some idea of what they’re doing, you should be good.

Ha, yeah. Unfortunately I’ve been buying vinyl records for the past 25 years and have seen plenty of terrible packaging in my time so my faith in common sense prevailing on that front isn’t as high as it could be :sweat_smile:.

“What do you mean, this thin cardboard sleeve didn’t survive travelling hundreds of miles packaged in nothing but a wrapping of brown paper? Are you some sort of perfectionist or something?”

I’m sure it’ll be fine though, the seller seems sound.


The worst for me was someone mailing a Technics SL-1200 in a large box with no padding of any kind. The turntable was destroyed when I got it, and I had to spend a day of my life getting someone at USPS to certify that it was fucked up before eBay would approve it (this was early eBay).

Quick update on my neuroses lol, I’ve got to say the photo of the hacked together parcel didn’t fill me with confidence (more due to the size of it than anything else, didn’t look like there was loads of room for padding) but it seems it’s also been sent via Hermes… And only insured up to half the value.

Expensive, awkwardly sized, fragile item in improvised packaging… Hermes… Not insured properly… Pretty much their slowest possible service by the looks of it… This doesn’t look like a headache in the making at all!

Fully expecting to find it in two months inside a wheelie bin, snapped in half with the packaging burned to a crisp and covered in jam. No note put through the door, naturally.

(hoping to look back on this post and laugh)


I only liked your post because it was funny… I truly hope you’re just being paranoid (for good reason, it sounds like) and it arrives in perfect shape :crossed_fingers:


Haha, yeah. Definitely a mixture of LEGITIMATE CONCERN and paranoia.

Plenty of time to read the manual properly, in any case.