DSI Tempest

It’s super FUN and rewarding to jam on, but again it demands you constantly ride all that stuff to reap any rewards.
It does not play well with others.
To get the most of it you need to use the built in sequencer.
I’d also add the touch sliders kind of suck.
IIRC the high pass filter does not do a smooth sweep and maybe doesn’t open all the way up at the tips of the touch strips. I remember the touch strips only working for limited parameters even after calibrating multiple times.
I love the T and always think about it, but the quirks are definitely annoying AF.
I generally enjoy limitations to provoke creativity, but there’s so much of that on the Tempest in a bad way, not a good one.
For 2k, hell no

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I do believe they could be a bit better! And thanks for the description of the routing. Food for thought.

I have to imagine that many Tempest enthusiasts have seen this but this is my leading Tempest inspiration video.


This makes me want to buy a Tempest :grinning:
Didn’t know Skee Mask uses it and his beats are amazing.
I remember having looked at the Tempest years ago wondering if you could make IDM beats with it but thought it would be too simple/limited in sound design :sob:

Well, I got a Machinedrum now and I’m very happy with it so I’'m probably fine.

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He sure does! Check out the YouTube interview from 2017:

He also has a Machinedrum now in his new studio setup::

Now I want a Machinedrum!


What’s the blue synth to the left of the virus?

MFB Synth II. :slight_smile:

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Great video! Good to see the guy and his process. That track Rev8617 is sublime.

Ohh yes Machinedrum is indredible. :star_struck:

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After having it set aside for some time, I decided to give it a quick spin.
People complain its a pain to use but I think its mostly because most are after the instant gratification.
If you spend time creating your sounds, you can get it to sound very very nice…

Here’s a little noodle from yesterday. No external effects, just a touch of compression on the stereo out.


There’s just no other drum machine that sounds like it. The envelopes are so snappy and it sounds so… Organic? Moist? I don’t know, it’s alive somehow.

This was a Squarepusher-esque thing I made with the Tempest when I first got it. Was so much fun!


Really nice! Just the Tempest?

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Yep, 100% Tempest! Had various ‘beats’ that I was swapping between on the fly.

People moan about the distortion and I agree it’s a bit weak but I love it as a way to create variety at the end of bars. It’s like a filter of sorts.

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Nice! The Tempest is definitely in the cards for me…

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Honestly it’s like nothing else on the market. Jumping between ‘beats’ and applying beat-wide fx like stutters, reverse envelopes and pitch alterations, going back to the original version with the tap of a button (did someone say control-all?) Is just so liberating.

It’s not a pad monster but it does bass and lead really well. It’s so nicely laid out even for a synth-simpleton like me (synthpleton?) and every time I turn on the power I’m excited to see what happens.


Sounds great, I’m def getting one (at some point)! The Division Department 01/IV also tickles my fancy, and would like to get an A4 and try it specifically as a drum machine.

I think I’m set as far as poly synths (Prophet 6) and mono synths (Matriarch) go. Drum machines on the other hand…


I would wait with the purchase bc ppl are talking that Sequential is working on another drum machine.
And the prices of used Tempests are too high atm imo


Unless I see one at a very good price I’m not gonna buy it this year cos I’m on NoGearNewYear. A Tempest is probably the only piece of gear that might make me consider breaking the pledge. So I’m happy to wait.

In one of his last interviews Dave Smith was teasing something new from Sequential for late summer / early fall. Would be awesome if that’s a new drum synth but unlikely it’s a new iteration of / closely related to the Tempest.


Ah I was not aware of that. I wonder what it will be…

EDIT: Maybe a Take 1? Keyboard mono, or maybe a mono desktop unit. It’s at least plausible. Would be their most affordable, entry-level product.

Didn’t watch it yet but will soon.

I actually missed a 1200€ Tempest locally yesterday… Both happy and sad cos it was a good deal but would’ve broken my NGNY spell (of course I already ”committed adultery in my heart”).


Yes, about time he worked on the Tempest! Definitely a classic example of a masterpiece which gets a lot of flack. A misunderstood titan in a sea of flat, lifeless drum machines…

€1200 is slightly less than I paid in GBP (mine was £1100 I think) so a good deal but stay strong!

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not many bad gear in his episode…