DT always sends PgmChange on global channel when changing pattern

Hi there,

I’m new here and I hope to get my issue adressed here.

I use my DT together with Nord Lead 4 (NL) and Nord Drum 3P (ND). Because I not only want to sequence both synths with the DT but also play the DT and ND with the keyboard of the NL and also the DT and the NL with the Pads of the ND - so I play everything with everything… :slight_smile: - I have to have the same global channel on all three devices.

(BTW I manage the MIDI processing with a Blokas Midihub which works perfect and which enables me to monitor MIDI signals in every direction. CC commands from the synths are routet not to pass the DT but to get directly back to the synths to prevent the DT reacting on them)

Now I have the issue, that the DT always sends a Program Change command on the global MIDI channel when I change the Pattern. And this Program Change command has always the value of the pattern I switched to.


  • Changing to Bank A Pattern 1 DT sends a Program Change with value 0
  • Changing to Bank C Pattern 5 DT sends a Program Change with value 36
  • Changing to Bank H Pattern 16 DT sends a Program Change with value 128

The DT does that always and I can’t change that. And very often the DT does not send the intended Program Change stored in the MIDI Track SRC menue. Sometimes ot does, mostly not. ATM my workaround is to set to triggers on the MIDI Track on the first two steps playing only the first time (conditional trigger) with the first one having a wrong program value and the second with the right one. That’s the only way to really force the DT to send the correct Program Change command to my ND. I can do that, because on the Global Channel the ND only plays on 6 notes and stays quiet when I play another one.

This workaround is a huge effort and I don’t even understand the sense in always sending a Program Change command from the DT when changing the pattern. Is this really a feature or is it a bug?

I use the actual firmware and did not yet try it with an older one.

I hope anyone could help me. Can you reproduce that behaviour on your DT?


Elektrons can send program changes with each pattern change (useful for syncing Elektron and other grooveboxes with a similar pattern layout) and you can send manually.
There’s a setting in the menu if you don’t want program changes with each pattern change (midi config, sync, prog ch send).

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Hi Schnork,

yes, I know that and I use the Program Change a lot to load the right sound or drum kit from my synths. So I need to turn it on.

But turned on, the DT always sends this mysterious Program Change command only on the global channel with the value of the Pattern number and not what is set in the SRC menue of the MIDI track.

It really always sends it. No matter if nothing is set in the SRC menue or something different. And only on the Channel that is set as global channel and auto channel on the DT (which I need to have it set so to work correctly with my synths)

Maybe I don’t understand the problem…you can turn sending of program changes when patterns are changed off (midi config -> uncheck prog ch send), the midi channel for that is set under midi config -> channels) and p-lock program changes on the SRC page for each of your synths. So one midi channel for Nord Drum, another midi channel for Nord Lead.

Open menu, go to midi config -> uncheck prog ch send. The channel these program changes are set is set in midi config -> channels.

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Would suck if it wouldn’t, eh? :grinning:

Hi Schnork,

hmmm. ok, I turned it of. Actually it seems to work. So the setting midi config -> sync -> prog ch send does not mean, that the DT is enabled to send ProgCh commands at all but only to send them automatically as I figured out?

Wow, if that’s true, then… yeah then it’s great!!! :slight_smile:

Just to explain: Both synths send their Note commands on their global channel (of course). Because I want to get triggers from both synths to play the channel that is selected on the DT they all three have to have the same global channel. For the NL I have to send ProgCh on the four individual channels of the four layers. For the DT I need to send the ProgCh to load a whole drum kit on the global channel-

checkbox checked -> it sends. Unchecked -> it doesn’t. No idea what you are expecting :grinning:

Like I said, you can turn sending of program changes when patterns are changed off (midi config -> uncheck prog ch send), the midi channel for that is set under midi config -> channels).

Then you would sequence both synths from their own midi track. P-lock program changes on the SRC page. So Nord Drum would have its own midi track, set to the appropriate midi channel with program changes p-locked as needed and Nord Lead would have its own midi track, set to the midi channel your Nord Lead os set to receive on.
Or 4 midi channels for the four synth parts actually.


Hi Pete,

I thought unchecking this setting makes the DT not sending ProgCh commands at all. :grimacing:


Yes, NL is no problem. But the ND needs ProgCh commands on its global channel, which has to be the same global channel as set on DT and NL.

You’ll have to send program changes to NL on a different midi channel. If both ND and NL are set to receive program changes on the same channel, you can’t control them seperarely. You’d end up always changing patches on both.

Choose different global channels for NL and ND.

Or use on midi track for program changes.


Yes, of course, I use different MIDI channels on the Layers of my NL. But the same global channel (because the DT needs the note triggers from the keyboard on the same channel as from the ND). I have no problem with the NL because it does not react on ProgCh commands on the global channel but only on the part channels.

Yes I use the global channel only for ProgCh on ND.

Are you triggering ND from your NL or from Digitakt?
How is you gear connected and setup? Do you use the autochannel on Digitakt?

OK, I see now in the monitoring, that it only sends ProgCh when playing a note. So I’ll always have to set a trigger on my “ProgCh only MIDI track”…

That is better then what I had before but I shouldn’d miss that trigger.

Again on NL it’s no problem because ProgCh and Note commands are transmitted on the same channel. On ND these are or need to be different channels.

You can use a lock-trig afaik to p-lock program changes, does not have to send notes.

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Yes I use autochannel on the DT.

ND and NL send triggers on their global channel. I wnat to play notes with both of them. Both are in “local control off” mode. On the DT I select the channel which instrument should be played, NL, ND or DT internal channels.

In the end it doesn’t matter which trigger to send on the ProgCh only MIDI track. In my case. Because the standard Note command that is send is a note that is not in the range of the 6 trigger pads of the NL so it is not played either. :slight_smile:

But to let you know:

That was a great, fast and detailed help here on this board! I should spend more time here… :slight_smile: