DT + Blackbox: i have a midi CCmapping problem / DT seems to send allways midi data

Hi, (DT + BB are on the latest FW. DT: 1.2 , BB 1.6
I´m speaking here about a DTs midi track controlling the BB )

my problem:
The DT seems to send some midi data all the time, even when i stop the sequenzer and disable “clock send”. LFO is not mapped, DET set to 0

Situation: i want to use the “midi learn” on the BB to map a knob from the DT to the “lenght” parameter of the samples for p-locking duties.
when i chose in the BB “CC” as the modulation source do i have only one option to map a specific CC: that is “midi learn”.
so i have no workarounds here. i need to work from the “Learn” dialog.

when i press “Learn” is it allways immdediatly turned back to the “unpressed” state ( highlighting = off). so i must guess there´s allways some incoming midi present.
when i disconnect the DT at all is this problem not given,
pressing “Learn” keeps then its highlighted state ( and seems to wait for a incoming midi CC)

anybody here who went thru that same problem ( with BB or other machines) and found a solution ?

my goal: i want to trigger samples in the BB and p-lock the sample-lenght parameter by a CC (other than Vol, MW, etc. )

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Wondering have you managed this?
Do you still use DT and BB?
Any comments about using them as a combo?

sorry, i´m late:
no, i don´t used my blackbox again with other gear.
so, no news on this from my side