DT-DN Pattern mute control

Hi everyone, I hope you are having fun with the digitakt and digitone combo if you have the opportunity to play with them both!

I am following many tutorials and so far have managed to get a grasp of some of the potential of the two machines.
However I cannot seem to figure out nor find guidance on how to mute the digitone through the digitakt midi tracks at the pattern level.

What I manage to do: assigning the first 4 midi tracks of the DT to the 4 DN tracks allowing me to mute/unmute the 4 DN tracks on the DT at the global level.

My goal: mute and unmute the 4 DN tracks through the 4 midi DT tracks at the pattern level.

Side note, my full setting: I have both DT and DN connected to Ableton, using overbridge, through usb, midi DT out into midi DN in, DT being the masterclock, bypassing ableton clock.

Bonus challenge: I also encountered some strange effects that I cannot explain, such as the reverb sent in the delay DT menu impacting the sound of the DN despite the two machines not being linked to each other beside by midi cables.

Thank you for any message proposing some solution or sharing personal experiences !

Wish you a good evening



I’ve had this combo for a while and am looking for the same thing. In all my research and forum diving, the same answer comes up: Not possible to Pattern Mute between these devices…only global Mutes…Hopefully someone can prove me wrong! - Cheers