DT Monitoring question

Wondering is it possible to monitor both - usb audio in and analog ext ins at the same time?

If so, can I apply efx to both?

From the manual, it looks like USB audio is simply blended into the main outputs (bypassing the FX but still hitting the Compressor from what I can tell) and there’s no separate mixer for USB audio so you can only choose a menu option to boost USB audio by 0, 6, 12 or 18dB. But there’s nothing in the manual suggesting that USB audio can’t be used alongside effected audio taken from the L and R Inputs. Here’s the audio structure chart thingy:

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Thanks for info!
Very good!

So it’s like having 2x stereo inputs…
not really but : )

I think so. I’ll try to confirm it later on by trying it out after work. It’s a shame that the USB audio can’t be routed through the audio tracks for filtering and whatnot as this is a great feature of Rytm.

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yeah… Probably with MKII, if it ever happen.
DT is really unique with it’s simple design and options, but there’s still some little things to improve to make it ideal )

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