DT + Overbridge causing MIDI tracks to have awful latency : (

Any help would be much appreciated as I am losing my mind trying to get to the bottom of this.

When I run a session in Ableton with my buffer speed at 128, my midi tracks controlling the likes of the Moog Minitaur play back fine and in time but as soon as I switch on my Digitone and use the overbridge plugin, then my midi tracks all suffer from awful latency. It has mean that I simply can’t use DT via Overbridge at all, which is really disappointing.

Any ideas what I can do to solver this please? It’s stressing me out!

Do you have anything enabled in the MIDI Settings of Ableton? What are your Settings? A screen shot?

There is nothing much being used in the session at the minute so it’s definitely no related to the CPU being overworked.

I haven’t changed anything from the way I’d normally work,

Thank you

So, DN has Overbridge enabled in its settings? Have you tried to use OB with the no sync option?

It’s like OB Clock is fighting against Ableton Clock?

No, I haven’t, I’ll try that now and report Back, Thank you!

What midi tracks are you talking about ? Ableton tracks or the DT tracks ?
In the case of OB plugin with OB sync (the one handle from the plugin, no midi sync) the sync is done through a dedicated electron system and Ableton act as the master (and not a slave).

However, if midi is sent out of Ableton to control another external gear, it might lead to some issues as it is not the same synchronisation system, which might include drift between the electron device and the synth.

I can’t really give you a solution for this, appart trying to adjust the midi latency offset latency coming out from Ableton but you might still have some drif. Other users have also tried to use specific midi clock like usamo or else as your can still use OB with the usual midi sync (by deactivating the sync in OB plugin and send the clock from Ableton to your electron device in the Ableton preferences menu). However, even when doing this, you might expect some latency coming from OB (but less drift). I hope it helps

Remember that if you are using the DT VST with sync on (at the top of its GUI) you don’t need to send it clock. In fact try turning that off (clock receive) in the DT midi config. You’ll see that the DT still syncs (when the USB is in OB mode), and might help with your midi.