DT sample ‘unload’ not clearing from ram until restarting?

Hey all, anyone else come across this? I have a project that’s 99% full so I went about unloading samples from ram (select samples loaded into ram with tick, press right, select ‘unload selected’) to clear space for new samples in the project, but the usage was still high after unloading and new samples still couldn’t be loaded. I had the idea to restart the DT to see if that would clear them from ram and it worked - nice, but should’t unloading the samples do this without a restart? DT OS 1.30

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I think that’s just the way it works… like you can delete a project but it will still be held in memory until you load a new project.

But here i’m actively unloading the samples which should (I think?) free up the ram. After restarting the device, that space is freed and I’ve done nothing else but reboot.

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Same thing happens to me. Seems like it should clear the ram without a reboot imo but maybe it’s not supposed to work that way idk

I’ll ask support, see what they say


Curious to hear what they say, but here it work as it should.

I guess this is caused by memory fragmentation. When you delete a couple of short samples and want to load a larger one afterwards it may not find a large enough continuous memory block to fit in.

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maybe that’s part of it, but here it went like:

99% is full so i ‘unload’ a bunch of samples - some long, some short - but the meter still shows as 93% full and won’t load any samples. after a power cycle, the meter shows as being around 75% full. so it seems as though unload is only partly working, at least on this project.

no reply from support yet, will update if/when i hear back.