DT sound quality degrades after being on for a while?

Recently, my DT has begun to sort of degrade in sound quality after a bit of use. It sounds like i’m cranking the overdrive on everything or have the output level too loud or something…neither of which are the case (as I have checked several hundred times).
This is tripping me out a bit. Since lo-fi music is a thing that gets done, I needed to calibrate my ears to make sure things are sounding differently and I am not crazy.
After the machine rests it sounds beautiful and crisp, like I know it to be, but then it fizzles out on me. What is happening? Anyone else have this experience?

I have tested multiple cables, multiple interface inputs, multiple projects and headphones. It is almost certainly seeming like an issue with the machine itself.

Help…or call me crazy and sent me an experiment to prove that I am.

I guess I am in warranty territory still, so that’s reassuring.

This sounds like a very weird thing to occur. How about recording a pattern on loop to a daw and check the waveform to see if it’s really the DT or your ears messing with you?


Maybe record a pattern to DAW after powering up, then (without touching any settings) again in an hour or when you feel like the sound has changed, then it would be easy to A/B.


Have done. And sadly tis a pretty clear difference.

im guessing that youve tried this in numerous different projects (i.e this isnt just happening in the one project)?

Yessir. Have tried multiples of everything to try to pinpoint this.

Could some midi messages be the culprit (to the track overdrive or the compressor settings)? Did you try it without any midi cables connected? Does the problem only occur on the main out or also on the headphone out? Does the problem also occur with a new project?

I guess you should contact the elektron support if the problem still persists after excluding all these potential problem sources.

Edit: typed too slow :sweat_smile:


MIDI messages I had not considered. But that would be a long shot I think as I don’t typically send anything beyond clock and transport.

Thanks for the response. I’m leaning towards support ticket but I figured someone out there might have experienced something similar. Hmmmm

USB hub?

I would disconnect everything except power and headphones or audio out to rule out any external factors. Also, as others have pointed out, a vanilla project should be used. If the issue persists contact support.


Failing volume pot can also cause this. Is it a bit noisy when turned or any dead spots when adjusted?

Can you give us an example recording?


On the used digitakt that I use, the volume pot definitely caused some extra noise when turned. A little Deoxit cleaned it up nicely.

Sounds like bytes leaking :grin:


Thanks for the input here. I will test it today with a couple sets of headphones disconnected from everything else on a separate outlet and see if it still happens.
The issue is happening without any USB in the picture. No OB or anything.

Sounds like an opportunity to make some Basinski esque Disintegration Loops


My old DT is now being observed for repair and I have a replacement unit which is working perfectly. All signs point to something awry with the machine. Strange, as I have seen or heard nothing of anyone sharing this experience, but there it is.

May be some psychology clouding judgments, but it seems like my samples are sounding quite a lot better overall on the replacement so this degrading sound quality thing may have been a slow burn.


Bummer, would have loved to hear what a lofi DT sounds like!


Have you checked it isn’t turning into an octatrack?

(Disclaimer: joke, I’m sorry).

