DT step recording mode - using it?

Lately I’ve been using a mix of quantized real-time, unquantized real-time, and step recording.
The addition of step recording is a game changer.

My main use is chord progressions. I tap a trig to make it green, then stamp down up to 4 notes., and repeat. What a great addition this mode was, but it took me a while to get proficient with it. Now I don’t think I could live without it. :slight_smile:

Anyone else using step recording much?


I keep forgetting it’s there now, to be honest. Thanks for the reminder! (Great tip on entering chords as well.)

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It’s also usefull for arp pattern


Wow - just found this.

Step recording preserves trig conditions.
Is that commonly known?

To try this, use step record (I use the jump option as I like to control it with trig length).
You activate step recoding by pressing [REC]+[STOP], press it again to cycle between normal and jump.

  1. Do a short arp on 1 page (like 4-8 notes), then exit step recording (to make 8th notes, set your trig length to an 8th, and use jump mode)
  2. Set all the trigs to a condition of 1:2
  3. Play it and keep it running
  4. Start step record again and put in new notes

Note that it keeps the conditions with new notes. This is equivalent of holding a trig, and pressing a key, but it’s automated.

Anyway, I thought this was very cool, so wanted to share :slight_smile:
