DT with OP-1, CC confusion


I’m new to this forum and to Elektron gear having just purchased a DT. Pretty blown away so far but i’ve run into a problem. I have scoured this forum, the manual and google before writing this but haven’t quite found the answer.

My only other piece of hardware is an OP-1. I realised quickly from reading this forum that the DT and OP-1 would need a midi host in order to communicate with each other. I managed to achieve this using a Raspberry Pi that I had lying around. Took me ages to get my head around making it connect the two devices automatically on boot up with no display, mouse or keyboard present but it now works a treat (I think…lol). - Incidentally I’m more than happy to share how I did it here if anyone is trying to do the same. It would just be a regurgitation of the bits of code I copied from various sources, none of which I understand!

Anyway, I have enabled USB only for the midi communication in the DT and I can trigger the OP-1 from the DT by pressing button 9 (and then putting in some steps) but that’s all I can do.
So, I’m trying to figure out the OP-1’s Midi LFO setup with the DT. The four OP-1 encoders have cc numbers 1, 2, 3 & 4 and I’d like to map those to DT encoders A-D or E-F but I don’t understand in which page on the DT this is achieved. At the moment, in the Midi A track SRC page, encoders G (MW) and H (BC) immediately control CC1 and CC2 on the OP-1 without me doing anything. Encoder E (PB) does indeed send pitchbend to the OP-1 which is cool, and encoder F (AT) does nothing which is expected.

Alongside this, pressing play on the DT does not start the tape or any sequencer on the OP-1 and to be honest I’m not entirely sure if that’s normal behaviour in OP-1 Com mode ‘OP-1’. Also, when I play the keyboard on the OP-1, it triggers pad 1 on the DT. On the Raspberry Pi, the Midi connection is set in both directions (both devices connect to each other) so I guess this is normal.

Apologies if this has already been covered and I hope all that makes some sense. Ive been ITB for the last 20 years, my last hardware setup was an RM1X, Yamaha QY70 and Akai S3000. It is kind of nice to have real life midi problems again, I’ve sorta missed it…I think…!
Cheers all

After it’s all said and done, you’ll realize that the Elektron will not be able to sweep the OP-1’s parameter all the way.

Let’s say you have the (MIDI LFO) assigned OP-1 knob at 0… and the Elektron CC knob at 0.

When you turn the Elektron CC knob all the way to 127, the OP-1 will not sweep the entire way - instead, it’ll go to about 65 or so.

I tried using an OT to control the Delay parameters on the OP-1; and after I set it all up, I found that the full parameter range cannot be reached using the Elektron CC (which basically outputs values from 0-127)

I did it just now, correctly; but I may have done something wrong because this does not seem normal.

That’s interesting, and a shame if it is normal.
I guess I’m struggling to see how I can sequence the OP-1 from the DT effectively. I think the fact that the OP-1 doesn’t play the tape or start a sequencer when I hit play on the DT means I’m doing something fundamentally wrong or I’m misunderstanding both bits of kit. Probably the latter.

Welcome to the forum!

You can assign particular CC messages to the DT’s knobs for its MIDI tracks in the AMP (CC SELECT) page and then control the values of those CC messages in the FLTR (CC VALUE) page.

It will work fine if you set up the devices correctly. You need to ensure that the DT is sending transport and clock messages, that they are not filtered out by the Raspberry Pi, and that the OP-1 is set to receive by ensuring that SYNC is activated.

Do you want that or not? You can turn off response to notes in the DT’s SETTINGS menus.

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Many thanks PeterHanes, really helpful. It’s clear that I’ve not delved deep enough into the midi settings in the DT. Especially interesting is whether the Pi might be filtering out those clock messages, I fear this indeed might be the case. Will investigate.