Dual Syntakts

So with the Syntakt being readily available and currently cheaper at some stores ($777 at Thomann!) are some of you thinking about a dual ST setup? What would the ST/ST advantages be vs two different Elektron boxes (ST/A4, ST/DN, ST/OT etc)… or would it just be too much of a good thing? Discuss.

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The only time I see people using two of the same elektron are with the analog four/keys and octatracks.
I think both machines are highly flexible and people just run out of tracks, so they get a second.
Are you running out of tracks w/ the syntakt?

Not currently, but I could see a second ST’s functionality replacing some other things I have. The three analog machines could be a polysynth, some tracks could be allocated to midi, a second fx track could replace some external fx processing, etc.


On thomanns Swedish site, it’s $999. It’s always a bit pricier here, unfortunately.

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I used 2 digitones before. was nice (for a while). ultimately I craved a bit of variety :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


For the most part, the ST experience for me has been one of abundant monophonic tracks. Melodic counterpoint, complex percussion, track layering. Having 12 tracks, even with layering, often pushes me to where I think things might be too busy. (What pattern doesn’t need a cowbell?) So my first thought was no way

But I like that the question gets me thinking about midi control solutions that would be cool with a second ST (and also apply to DN or DT, or midi loopback), especially for adding more sound design possibilities:

  • As you mention above, poly synths if controlled with a midi splitting solution (midihub or similar).
  • Easier track layering: for percussion design but also for, say, complex pad or sfx design, sequencing several tracks via one midi channel would multiply the available LFOs, envelopes, and machines that could go into a single sound, and be less tedious than copying sequence data between tracks repeatedly.
  • AT/BC/MW Controls: the performance macros seem to me like one of the more powerful sound design opportunities on ST, and sequencing from another ST or Digi box opens the possibility to record those.
  • Midi LFO /p-locks: same

I assume some of this would work via midi loopback, too. I find it an interesting challenge to try to use ST to design, say, a pad sound that couldn’t be achieved on DN… Thanks for the interesting question.

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By coincidence (YT algorithm), I just happened on this Dave Mech video where he describes a lot of these and other techniques for using 2 digi boxes that I think will be fun to apply to ST (and in my case DT controlling it via midi): https://youtu.be/pEkC-kD3fpU

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With the way it is laid out, I have a hard enough time using all 12 tracks.

However, 8 tracks of analog machines is appealing. Or the added MIDI tracks (since they’re not separate like on DT, DN, OT)

Still, I think ST + something that can play samples or ACB x0x sounds is the most effective. I really really like it with TR6S and using a midi track or two to sequence my Nord Lead 3 Rack.

But, interesting thought exercise, for sure.


I have the SP-16 which I’ve made 20+ gigs of samples for and that’s not going anywhere… and right now my main hub is that and the ST and A4. But going back and forth between the Elektrons with somewhat different layouts/workflows is a bit annoying, and when I see how much one ST can do my mind can’t help but think of the possibilities of just having a pair of them.

As you said, having 4x2 analog voices gives you a lot more options… I could easily see just having 3 on one ST dedicated to one pad sound for chords, for example. And two FX tracks… tons of potential there.