Dub inspired techno with Waldorf M

Hi, its been a long time since ive actually “finished” a track so i wanted to share it. Im working with putting an EP together. Think this will be a part of that.

Got a Bassline from Opsix, and rest of the melodic stuff is from the Waldorf M. Just multitracked a couple of times.

Would be cool with some feedback. :slight_smile:


Very nice! I think it sounds great overall. If you’re asking for feedback, then it’s just my preference that the bassline needs a little more weight (body) to it in order to balance things out a little. Otherwise, I really like.

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Nice track! I think the track could use a snare. The snare we clearly ear during the small break at +2:00, and at the beginning of the break starting at +2:38 could be on every other beat. But I’m sure I say that because of the way I make dub techno myself and I’m too much used to have it.

The baseline is too clean? It is pretty deep, so it sounds best with a sub. I knew that when I made it, but felt I got a decent balance between the kick and sub bass.

Thanks for the feedback.

Hehe. I usually do that with snares myself, and wanted to try something different with this one. It can be hard to break out of old habits.

It’s nice even on phone speakers!

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No, more I guess that it felt like it should have more body overall. I can definitely hear the very low end for sure, but I was thinking more in the 60-120hz range. Just ‘fullness’ is another way to put it I guess. Just an observation and preference for me. That’s really the only thing that came to mind when listening to it. I thought everything sat well. Again, great job and vibe to it!


I like it!

The only thing I’d do, is maybe soften things a touch, (filters maybe) and slow the pace a touch. I like a slow deliberate tempo for dub tech.

Beautiful sounds!

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Thanks for disrupting my habits

I’ll try to soften it a bit “in mastering”. :slight_smile:
The last year i have made tracks going from like 134bpm to 140 ish bpm, so going down to 127 felt really “slow”. hehe.

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Thanks for all the feedback. I’m gonna see what i can do. Its an all analog mixdown, and i started messing with my mixer for another idea i wanted to test out yesterday. So it takes so much time to get it right again. Analog mixing without recall has its downsides. hehe.

The good:
Good job overall, I loved it! Lush sounds, you got the dub!

The bad:
Try to listen to your tracks on different „Abhören“. It‘s nice, but i had the feeling it misses bass. Not everyone has a woofer :wink: Pump it up!

The ugly:
I should finish something…

Thanks! I did test it out on different places. Most sounded ok. But i think i should have pushed the sub bass through the Heat or something when tracking. Some harmonics might have helped it on smaller speakers.

I almost never finish stuff. But some times i get over the treshold with an idea, and since i use mix with my Ghost mixer, i know that i “have to finish” it now, or i would never be able to fully recall the mix. And that forces me to get it done. hehe. I had the first track for my EP finished in May last year. So i might have 4 tracks ready in a couple of years. haha

Na, I think it’s more a mixing problem. Perhaps it could be enough to just eq it a bit on the low end.
Guess it’s sine, right? You could try to mix it with square wave to get some harmonics. I think that bass should sound subby. I do not think you’ll need the heat for that.

I sometimes spend more time to build a setup to play than recording stuff.
I guess I just need to hit rec, and play some audio lego to crank out tracks. Last year I made exactly a handful finished tracks, half assed.
2019 was peak time, got around 20 Tracks done… Guess that rona kills my pace. Damn.

The bass is mostly sine. There is some FM on the attack to make it poke through a little bit. But i could have gone harder on that i guess.

I have recorded a lot of “jams”. But i very seldom do anything with them. And i feel im all over the place regarding genres. So have a hard time getting 4 tracks that fit together in one EP. But it might be all in my head, and others might think more tracks would fit together. But i will never know, as i rarely share stuff. hehe.

Covid is putting a damper on studiotime here. I use it as a home office, so i dont feel that motivated to spend time in the evenings after working there for 8 hours. Takes the joy out of the room. Hopefully i will be back in the office this week.

I agree. Cutting a little bit of the high frequencies would be more pleasant to the ears. Overall, nice Track.

Thanks. I’ll see if I can “fix it in mastering” first. Some dynamic eq might work. :slight_smile:


Which EQ are you using? (just out of curiosity) I use the dynamic EQ in Ozone 9, but I’ve been eyeing that one from Eventide as well. The usefulness of these types can’t be overstated! I think you should be able to get things just right doing this. I actually did this myself the other night with a drum track that I didn’t want to go back and separate. It came out pretty well afterwards I think.

I just use the default Cubase plugins. They added a dynamic 8 band eq with mid/side. Works really well. I do like some “sparkle” in the top so might overdo it a little. Or, I always add from 1 to 3 db on the sides up in the 5k and up. Love how it often open up the stereo field a bit.

The eventide one looks cool! I’m just afraid to get 3d party plugins as I always forget to update them. I do have a waves ssl eq, but I prefer the eq on my mixer. Physical knobs beat fiddling with a mouse.

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