Eaves/Ivar Tryti - Fun With Elektronic Music Boxes

Hello, I put together the last 90 minutes of music I made and made this album!

It’s also up on bandcamp:

Here are links to the individual tracks on youtube. All but three of them are performed live on the Digitakt, Digitone, and/or Analog Four
Match Velocity: https://youtu.be/Z71OXD0CCdE
Suboptimal Route: https://youtu.be/8KcmvwWP8-w
Repurposed Jank 2: https://youtu.be/Bp2aeZTSpOY
Exploring LFOs: https://youtu.be/lQPwirE-vkA
Tiny Fill Button: https://youtu.be/L-Szd2Q6YDg
Summoning Demons: https://youtu.be/Q-HJxtxX6HA
Digitakt Loopop Contest: https://youtu.be/_xU-kAWjMvo
Nattahistorie: https://youtu.be/Az53f8F5fsw
I Wish I Had an SP404mk2: https://youtu.be/jEW8uOsZeyc
Lofi Hip Hop on the Digitone: https://youtu.be/p22pOMLkong
Painted Into a Corner: https://youtu.be/qG1jJXaG5ss
Friendly Face in a Hostile Land: https://youtu.be/rzss-aQEUL8
Seedy Underbelly: https://youtu.be/D5Zk76-ss5o
Haven’t Paired them in Over A Year: https://youtu.be/15L18E9Qf30
Old Digitone Loop Became Trip Hop: https://youtu.be/wJ_MXS8gayE
I Tried Making a Cinematic Sci-fi Track But Ended Up With Fighting Music: https://youtu.be/O7SVAtgxOLA
I Wish I Had a DFAM: https://youtu.be/-ulyDzkUIqQ
First Time In 7 Years I’ve made Orchestral Music: https://youtu.be/5-taoJvASRQ
Evidence That Turns The Case Around:https://youtu.be/b03sXksp0PE


congrats! I know most of them already from youtube but great to have them as collection.
Love your music :black_heart:

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Thank you very much!

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