@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music

Happy Birthday!

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Thank you very much!

Digitone Sketch #12 Baby’s Asleep Make Music Now! (April 8th 2020)

my wife and I are parents now :smiley: Our sleeping schedules are now flipped upside down, and 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep is the best! I’ve managed to squeeze in some music making time here and there and have slowly but surely put together a video piece by piece.

All audio is coming from the Digitone, though I used a preamp plugin Phoenix and a multiband expander Maximus in post to crunch things up a bit.

Thanks for listening!


Congratulations ! You’ve entered a new dimension and you will discover the value of time :-)))))
Really dig what you re doing in all your vids.
Please take care !

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Have a nice time happy father ! :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Jazzmess and @Synu! I already learned my first lesson the hard way: sleep when the baby sleeps!

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I absolutely love @Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s music too, but isn’t it time to change the title to just ‘@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music’ ???


Ahah agreed.
At the time I gathered this thread, @eaves had the habit to make threads with long titles. My choice for the title was a reference to this.

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Yeah my daughter is 6 months old and im a sleep walker too :slight_smile:

Managed to find time to make and record another chill Digitone only track inbetween parenting and sleep:

Digitone Sketch #13 Ta Deg En Time (April 15th 2020)

This track was made by squeezing in music time in between childrearing, chores, sleep, visits to the midwife.

I used a trick on this track that I rarely use for anything other than drums: sound-locked trigs in one track to layer sounds. Instead of using two tracks to play two different patches, I saved two sounds to the sound pool and placed two trigs next to each other in the same track, microtimed the 2nd one all the way to the left so they overlap, then sound-locked that trig to a new sound. I also made sure to lock voices per track to avoid having the tracks steal each other’s voices.

All audio is coming from the Digitone, though I added a preamp plugin Phoenix and a multiband expander Maximus in post. Everything is recorded in one take.

Don’t mind my rambling I’m adjusting to parenthood and tired :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for listening!


First, I just want to say I’ve been subscribed to your YouTube channel for a while and find your stuff so inspiring. In fact, I probably listen to as much homebrew youtube music as commercial releases and always check your stuff out.

Anyways, a couple questions. I understand using micro timing to simulate layered sounds but have never used the trick you describe concerning soundlocking a trig to a new sound. Would you be willing to elaborate a bit?

Also, that snare is super meaty! Is that the result of layering or is it a single sound?

Thanks and enjoy the early days of parenting. Once they start rolling around and crawling you’ll enter a new stage of busy;)

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Thank you so much @Jacob! I really appreciate it =D

Sure thing. So on track 3 I have this growly synth sound, but it lacked bass. I couldn’t figure out how to give it more bass without changing the sound drastically, so I used a sound-locked trig to play a more bassy patch.
Trig 1 plays a normal note. Trig 2 is an octave Lowe and microtimed all the way to the left. They can’t be the same note or they will cut each other off. Then you can assign a sound to the 2nd trig by holding down the trig and turning the level knob. I don’t remember exactly how to save a sound to the sound pool, but it’s under manage sound, then press left and select project sounds. Here you can select an empty slot and save the current track’s sound to that slot in the sound pool. I’m gonna need to have the Digitone in front of me to explain better =P

The snare sound is meaty on its own, but in this case it IS layered with a 1 trig long hihat (open hihat-like sound).

I’m enjoying it so far, but since we’re both first timers we’re worried to death about normal things, like the umbilical cord stump falling off!


Thanks for taking the time to reply! I understand now. Take care…

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It doesn’t come with a manual, being parent is a constant learning ^^
Be confident, as long as you give all your love and keep in mind your long term goal, all will be fine!


Exactly. Whatever happens, you ll be doing fine !

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Thank you! Turned our life upside down, but we were expecting that. Less worried to death and more practiced in how to soothe the baby now =D

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And still magical on the Digi Boxes :heart:

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Thanks a lot @Unifono!

Digitakt Sketch #51 Five Four Rushed Out The Door (April 24th 2020)

Now that I’m back to work AND a parent, I have even less time for music. Most of my music time lately has been with the Digitakt or Digitone in my lap in the living room, or in bed before sleep. This video was recorded with the recently fed and new-diaper-wearing baby sleeping on that green baby-nest next to the Digitakt :smiley:

I rarely do anything in 5/4 time signature on the Digitakt, because it’s really hard. I thought I’d give it a try. I’m using two patterns that are 20 steps long, and used plenty of conditional trigs to make them effectively 40 steps long. The main reason I don’t just go 40 steps is because it’s hard to keep track of where the downbeats are. I’ve also been playing Doom Eternal lately, and Mick Gordon’s amazing music inspired me to play with harder drums and synth sounds.

All audio is coming from the Digitakt, with a preamp plugin Phoenix and a multiband expander Maximus added in post.

Thanks for listening!


Digitakt Sketch #52 Can’t Fit Any More Projects On The Digitakt (April 30th 2020)

A year and a couple of months after buying my Digitakt, I’ve finally used up all 128 project slots. It’s time to take a backup of everything and make space for more music :slight_smile:

I’ve been squeezing music time into as many cracks in my schedule as possible. This beat was started in bed before sleep, then continued on the kitchen counter while boiling bottles and pacifiers, then finished up at my desk when I should have been sleeping, and finally filmed after feeding and putting my baby to bed. Next up: make dinner, hooray!

All audio is coming from the Digitakt, with a preamp plugin called Phoenix and multiband expander called Maximus added in post. Everything was done in one take.

Thanks for listening!


Awesome, as always! Can’t wait for the next 128 tracks :wink:


Hehe, I hope I get to fill it with another 128 projects one day. 74 of these projects were full tracks or loop collections, if we include the digitakt+digitone projects :smiley:

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