@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music


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Thank you for this!

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Thanks all! @AdamJay still around 150mb free. I’m very picky about what I put in it =D

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Digitakt Sketch #48 Low Hanging Fruit (March 18th 2020)

I spent some time experimenting with various plugins in FL Studio. Tracks 9, 10 and 11 are sequencing three instances of Air Hybrid 3 using home made patches, and track 12 is a granular synth called SpaceCraft by Mark Watt.

I figured I’d record the jam instead of abandoning it. Nothing new or groundbreaking going on, just staying in my comfort zone (mostly!) :smiley:

Drums, bass and piano is coming from the Digitakt, the rest is Air Hybrid 3 and SpaceCraft. I added a preamp plugin SGA 1566 and a mastering plugin Maximus in post.

Thanks for listening!

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most used Digitakt on the planet!


Hehe, it does get used a lot =D

Digitakt Sketch #49 Arp Arp Arp Arp! (March 22nd 2020 )

I got this arp melody stuck in my head for a while and had to make something of it. I’ve also been very interested in the Polyend Tracker, especially its performance mode, so I decided to be more active with my tweaking than I usually am. Lots of fun, possibly a bit repetitive (hence the title), and hectic :smiley:

All audio is coming from the Digitakt, with a preamp plugin SGA 1566 and mastering plugin Maximus added in post.

Thanks for listening!

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Digitakt Sketch #50 This is my 50th Digitakt Track (March 24th 2020)

I’m trying to save up for an octatrack, but then all these good games are coming out this year; Doom Eternal, Resident Evil 3, Final Fantasy 7, Cyberpunk 2077. Alternate titles for this track include “I Wish I Had An Octatrack”, “I Can’t Buy Doom And Also Afford An Octatrack” and “Bit Reduction Is Fun”. I may also have pushed the preamp plugin a bit hard on this one.

All audio is coming from the Digitakt, though I added a free preamp plugin SGA 1566 and a mastering plugin Maximus in post.

Thank you for listening!


I am like 79% sure you would mostly sample the OT into the DT :upside_down_face:

Seems with DT and FL Studio you always find a way to make the DT more than it was meant to be.

I barely sample with my OT but it has amazing FX features.

And with everything that’s going on, games might be a better bet right now. Who knows!

Also great track :sunglasses:

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Heh, the DT has so little space, so I’m sampling very little into it nowadays :stuck_out_tongue:. Combining the DT and FL is definitely getting the best of both worlds! And thanks a lot :smiley:

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you inspired me to try the multisample thing. its fun. BUT…as its been said DT NEEDS ZOOM. I couldn’t get some perks to sound good. I was so hard to find the proper start point.
tips, tricks on solving that. yer stuff sounds so TITE.

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Your technique gets better and faster every time. I like that Ctrl-All Delay for transitioning. It’s in my Arsenal too.

Great Sketch, as always!

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Thank you very much @phaelam and @Tchu! I do this when I make drum loops, but it also applies to making sample chains: I make sure everything fits into a 16-step pattern. This way I know for sure the starting points go like this:
1 - kick
15 - closed hat
30 - snare
45 - closed hat 2
60 - kick 2
75 - kick 3
90 - snare 2
105 - open hat

If you place everything into grids like this, all the starting points will be the same and you don’t have to guess as much :slight_smile:

Digitakt & Digitone #22 Synnøve (March 28th 2020)

Hello this may or may not be my last upload for a few weeks. I’m going to become a father any day now, and my wife and I are gonna be busy with the little one! With the global pandemic going on, I thought I’d make serious, but optimistic beat.

All audio is coming from the Digitakt and Digitone. The Digitakt is playing the drums and strings, while the Digitone plays the lead, pads, bass and an extra kick. I went a bit overboard with two free saturation plugins in post: SGA 1566 and SN03-G Tape Recorder, and evened everything out with Maximus.

Stay safe!


and thanks for all the inspiration :pray:

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Thank you!

DUH…I knew that, you had mentioned it before…and I still didn’t do it :confused:

Thanks for the refresher.

Stay safe all. Inside for as long as your sanity allows. Step out for a breath of fresh air if you can, and keep your distance. :crossed_fingers:t6:

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Congrats and take care of your loved ones mate!


Thank you very much, @rephazer!

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Enjoy this nice trip in the clouds despite the events :slight_smile:

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baby might want some fm lullabies… :wink: