@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music

Earlier this week I posted a tutorial on one way you can resample drum patterns into crunchy drum loops. I used that technique to create the drums in this track, though I call it a lazy track because I used loops I created way back instead of creating a fresh one. This way I could focus on having fun with the melodies :).

Thanks for listening!


that bassline is nice!!

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great stuff

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Thank you @turbiville and @Unifono!

I made this track with three samples: a C6 and C7 piano sample, and a string harmonics sample. Not as loud as my usual stuff :slight_smile:

This is the first time I’ve used pattern chaining instead of queuing up the patterns manually. I usually do it manually because it helps me keep track of where I am in the song, but this track was very straight forward so I let the pattern chaining do the work for me.


Lovely and chilled👍

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Thank you @Stumm42!

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I enjoyed that, beautiful piece, the simplicity in terms of sounds was engaging, thanks for posting!

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Thanks, @killingtime! The DT really helps me focus on keeping things simple :slight_smile:

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Nice! I probably wouldn’t have been able to resist adding a touch of percussion, but honestly it works better as a restrained instrumental.

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Thank you @spikysimon! I was considering it myself, I heard percussion in my head while making it. I think it could have worked well, but it would change the mood to something else than I was feeling at the moment :slight_smile:



It was excellently arranged. I take it you utilized a lot of trig conditions to make this track so compact?

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Thanks @Ryan and @Segon! I usually use a lot of 2:2 trig conditions to make patterns sound longer than 64 steps, but in this case I made six fairly straight forward patterns without trig conditions and chained them together (I do it in the beginning of the video). The reason I did it is because I wrote the track to have a 3/4 time signature, so I set the patterns to 24 steps.

rant warning: When I work on 64 step patterns and I want to make changes near the end, I can usually just copy that page to another pattern, make changes, then paste it back. But with 3/4 time sig it gets weird, because the first downbeat per bar would be on steps 1, 13, 25 and 37 instead of the usual 1, 17, 33 and 49. This makes it so that when I copy a page, I’ll be copying the last part of one bar, and the first part of the next bar. To get around this I just use more patterns and chain them.


I have a tendency to start new projects before finishing old ones. When I got my Digitakt I was way more productive than ever, but I still end up with a few unfinished tracks every week. Here’s last week’s collection loops I had fun making, but ultimately abandoned. Thanks for listening :slight_smile:


Don’t abandon! you just need to find the right vocals for them… I enjoyed listening
, :slight_smile:

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Thank you!

Really good. I enjoyed listining. I think it’s good for what it is.

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Thanks! It’s easy to get bogged down in the details, which is what happened to me on those three tracks. For the first two tracks I spent 90% of my time and energy on the drums, while on the last track that time and energy went into making the synth patches :stuck_out_tongue:

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