@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music

I played around with the guitar, and after recording a bunch of chords I strung them together into a loop and sampled that into the Digitakt. Even with the power of editing it turned out a bit janky!

I originally tried to record my bass guitar to this track, but I couldn’t get it to play well with drums and guitar, so I used my go-to bass sound and programmed in the bassline instead.

I also made an effort on using the the fill button actively. Thanks for checking it out :slight_smile:


Love it!


Like a Latino Radiohead! Very nice!


Thanks @Unifono and @J0n35y!

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Good stuff, reminds me to use fills more!


Thanks, @malarkyk! I thought about using it to mute the kicks, but it felt more natural to ADD rather than remove things with the fill button.

That was hecka groovy- you got the sounds sounding real nice. And the way you navigated the performance was quite impressive.

The drum samples, were those stock samples?


Thanks @Ryan! The drums are made from one shot samples from The Lo-Fi Box by Image Line. Bought it back when they shipped physical CDs. I resampled them on the Digitakt itself (and also made a tutorial on how I do it here: https://youtu.be/hQeX_Yugrqo )



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My wife and I just bought a house with a concrete cellar. It inspired me to make a creepy beat. I’m working with my usual tricks: drum patterns resampled into a heavily compressed, distorted, and bit reduced drum loop to free up tracks, two simple piano samples, a crunchy bass I haven’t used very often, and a choir sample.

All samples are one shots (except for the resampled drums, which are made from one shot samples), and all audio is coming fromt the Digitakt. I added a limiter in post.

Thanks for listening! :slight_smile:


How are you going to post this and not show the basement?!

Good track, btw


love what you are able to pull out of the DT. Great stuff.

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Love this.

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Thanks @ryan, @turbiville and @Scot_Solida! It’s been a long week with moving stuff across Norway and dealing with banks and realtors and stuff. Finally got time to make time for the DT :slight_smile:

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I agree, definitely need some basement visuals to go with the track, which is nice nice nice…


maybe there´s some creepy suff goin on in that cellar we better shouldn´t see.

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Your drums are so punchy!


Thanks @Aksdnt and @Patrick! The drums get really punchy when you add compression, overdrive and bit reduction, then resample them into a drum loop, then add compression, overdrive and a tiny bit of bit reduction to that loop :smiley:

I haven’t resampled while consciously using the compressor before. Makes a lot of sense! Thanks for the inspiration!

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