@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music

Digitone Sketch #15 Packed (July 11th 2020)

Here’s another attempt at non-trip hop on the Digitone. It’s refreshing to make tracks with the goal of making interesting timbres instead of focusing on making interesting chord progressions. You can do both of course, but both take a lot of time so I focused on the former. It’s amazing how much you can squeeze out of the 4 synth tracks with some deliberate use of lock trigs, voice allocation and tons of reverb and delay! The Digitone’s master overdrive is also really nice. It helped me pull the softer pads to the front and generally make everything sound a bit more aggressive.

All audio is coming from the Digitone, with a premp plugin (Phoenix) and multiband expander (Maximus) added in post. Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubs.

Thanks for listening!


You can take a look at the NDLR from Conductive Labs. There’s 4 Parts on it and the Digitone has 4 Tracks. They should go well together.


Really great tune and performance! I’m impressed by the way you perform a song on a single machine like that.

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Thanks for the suggestion @Tchu :slight_smile:
Thank you @amaury! It’s harder to make full tracks on the Digitone compared to the Digitakt, but it’s really satisfying to pull it off when you only have 4 tracks to work with :slight_smile:

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Here’s a link to a performance by Jay Hosking with the NDLR and the Digitone.

Digitakt & Digitone Sketch #24 The Usual (July 26th 2020)

It’s been a while since my last upload. I’ve been spending a lot of time on the Digitone making new patches and patterns, but after several attempts at making full tracks and only ending up with short loops I decided to take a break. It doesn’t help that I fell into the mechanical keyboard rabbit hole and researched and ordered parts for my first custom keyboard :slight_smile:

I needed to boost myself, so I went back to the familiar Digitakt and Digitone combo and trip hop for this track. This is still just a one pattern loop, but I was satisfied with the amount of variation I got out of it. Enough to finally upload a new track!

All audio is coming from the Digitakt and Digitone, with a preamp plugin (Phoenix) and multiband expander (Maximus) added in post. The whole track was recorded in one take, no overdubs.

Thanks for listening!


Digitakt & Digitone Sketch #25 Early 2000s (August 8th 2020)

I googled “mellotron soundfont” and sampled a few notes of strings, choirs, and flutes into the Digitakt.

All audio is coming from the Digitakt and Digitone, with a preamp plugin (Phoenix), and multiband expander (Maximus), and a tape emulator (Tape 6) added in post. The whole track was recorded in one take, no overdubs.

Thanks for listening!


Digitakt Sketch #54 Non Melodic (August 11th 2020)

I made a bassline and accidentally switched out the bass sample with a drum loop. The result was surprisingly fun, so I kept the drum loop and tweaked it from there. I think this is the first time I’ve done a straight forward boots’n’cats beat on the Digitakt! I gotta try this out more.

All audio is coming from the Digitakt, with a preamp plugin (Phoenix) and a multiband expander (Maximus) added in post. Everything was recorded in one take.

Thanks for listening!



And while I was listening to the beginning of the track, I was thinking that more distortion or BR would perfectly suit the sound. Then a lightening lighted the sky, and the distorsion came.
Love such moments :smiley:

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Thank you very much! Hehe, needed a way to escalate so I made a duplicate pattern with louder everything in it.


Digitakt Sketch #55 Out Of Practice (September 7th 2020)

It’s been a while since I’ve made any music. I was running out of ideas and my sketches turned out veery samey, so it was nice to take a little break. Trying to get back into the swing of things now, starting with a straight forward 1-pattern loop and my bass guitar.

I’m using two instances of a plugin called Air Hybrid 3 that came bundled with my Akai MPK Mini 2. I think it pairs very well with the Digitakt and Digitone because it has 4 macro knobs built in, which you can assign to pretty much any range on any parameter. That, combined with the DT and DN’s 8 CC knobs per midi track, makes it really easy to use once you’ve set up the macro knobs.

The bass guitar used is a Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass with 16 years old or so flat wound strings.

Thanks for listening!


Love it! Wonders that a break can do. Is the bass sampled in the Digitakt? Sounds really good to me.

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Thank you! I didn’t sample the bass directly into the Digitakt, but I did connect my bass to it. In FL Studio I took the Digitakt’s input on a free channel and put on two compressors to make it loud enough. Then I muted the Digitakt inside FL Studio and made the Digitakt’s audio only play on the headphones, then sampled the bass guitar via USB. That way I could use pugins on the bass guitar, hear the Digitakt’s drums while sampling, but sample only the bass guitar.

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octatrack looper guitar practice over footage of the NO button (September 20th 2020)

I haven’t made any complete tracks lately, but I have been spending time with the Octatrack and a guitar. I’ve been using the OT as an overengineered Digitakt, and thought I’d try to learn the bits that make it unique. It took me a few hours and accidentally overwriting a ton of guitar loops, but I think I understand how to use the pickup machine now. Here are three of the loops I was happy with over some b-roll footage of the Octatrack’s “NO” button.

The guitar I’m using is a Squier Affinity Telecaster with stock strings, and Image Line’s Toneport UX2 for guitar FX, though on the first two loops I had the guitar plugged directly into the OT.

Thanks for watching!


Digitakt & Digitone Sketch #27 Refurbished (September 23rd 2020)

It’s been a while since I’ve used the Digitakt and Digitone together. I have a ton of abandoned loops and ideas lying around in various projects, so I found one and tried to finish it. My abandoned stuff usually tend to stay abandoned forever, so I’m very happy I managed to bring this one back to life :slight_smile:

All audio is coming from the Digitakt and Digitone, running through a not so subtle amount of tape6 by airwindows (free plugin), a preamp plugin (Phoenix) and a multiband Maximizer (Maximus).

Thanks for watching!

Digitone Sketch #16 Scratch and Frazzle (October 3rd 2020)

I’ve been playing Doom Eternal again lately and was inspired by Mick Gordon’s amazing work on the soundtrack. I tried to make something that could fit a fast paced action game and came up with this. I’m using the Digitone’s master overdrive to get everything to crunch up like that, and I’m really happy with how punchy the drums turned out. The bass took AGES to shape. It’s hard to find a pleasant sweet spot between deep bass and shrill noise, I kept landing on one or the other.

All audio is coming from the Digitone, with a preamp plugin (Phoenix) and multiband expander (Maximus) added in post. Everything was recorded in one take.

Thanks for listening!

Digitone Sketch #17 You Kinda Scare Them (October 7th 2020)

Here’s another track inspired by Mick Gordon’s work on Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. This time I did it in 7/8 time instead of 5/8 time, both of which I think are difficult to do on Elektron gear. I think I managed to make this one even heavier than the previous one, too!

Lots and lots of filtered delay was used on this track to get the spooky ambient sounds in the background.

All audio is coming from the Digitone, with a preamp plugin (Phoenix) and a multiband expander (Maximus) added in post. Everything was recorded in one take.

Thanks for listening!

183 Digitone sounds and a project file available on patreon

Hello! I uploaded my Digitone sounds and a Digitone project file on my patreon page containing the following:
Bank A: random stuff
Bank B: Warts And All
Bank C: Packed
Bank D: Drum patterns practice for my Digitone drums tutorial
Bank E: random stuff and early version of Scratch and Frazzle
Bank F: Scratch and Frazzle
Bank G: You Kinda Scare Them

The sounds include 95 melodic ones and 88 drum sounds.

I’d like to do a breakdown of some of these tracks, but I’ll need enough uninterrupted time, energy and motivation all at the same time. I don’t know when that’ll happen, so in the mean time my patrons can explore these patterns at their own pace :slight_smile:

I’m really proud of these, and I hope you learn something interesting here!

Digitone Sketch #18 I Did Not Expect That (October 19th 2020)

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to make more hard patches like the ones used in my previous two tracks, but needed a break. Deep diving into the same narrow sound palette on the Digitone can be exhausting sometimes! I took page from the previous tracks and made some fast paced drums for this one, though it’s in boring old 4/4 time.

All audio is coming from the Digitone, but with a preamp plugin called Phoenix and a multiband expander called Maximus added in post. Everything was recorded in one take.

Thanks for listening!

Digitone Sketch #19 Gloom For a Really Long Time (October 25th 2020)

I’ve been replaying Doom Eternal, and the music in that game is amazing! I made yet another super heavy track inspired by its OST, and I feel I’ve somehow managed to make the Digitone even grittier than my last two attempts.

As usual, all audio is coming from the Digitone, with a bit of saturation and compression added in post using the plugins Phoenix and Maximus respectively. Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


You have made some outstanding drum sounds with the Digitone. Great programming!


Thank you very much, @Six06!

Digitone Sketch #20 Cost Effective (November 10th 2020)

I was going to abandon the loops I made during my last livestream. I have a bad habit of making fun little loops and never develop them into full tracks, and I thought it would be a waste to not at least try to complete them. I ended up just stringing together the two loops I made into one track, which felt a bit like cheating since I didn’t actually develop them into two full tracks each.

As usual, all audio is coming from the Digitone, with a bit of saturation and compression added in post using the plugins Phoenix and Maximus respectively. Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


awesome again

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Thanks a lot, man :smiley: