@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music

Thanks a lot, man! The digitakt and Octatrack are both awesome at crunching up drums =D

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Digitone Sketch #21 Colorless (January 12th 2021)

I needed to take a little break from learning the Octatrack, so I picked up the Digitone again. I found an unfinished loop I made around a week ago, and added enough variation to turn it into a full track.

A fun delay trick I learned is to have the delay time slightly different on each pattern to get this tape pitch effect on the delay. I did this on pattern 10 so that the main synth melody gets this effect when switching to pattern 5.

As usual, all audio is coming from the Digitone, with a bit of saturation and compression added in post using the plugins Phoenix and Maximus respectively. Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


Digitone Sketch #22 Yuck Digital Yum Analog (January 22nd 2021)

I got an Analog Heat! I’ve spent a few days just running my old Digitakt and Digitone projects through it and trying out all the circuits, but this is my first attempt at actually using it in a track.

I tried making a boom bap style beat on the Digitone and make it warmer and more organic by using the Mid Drive circuit on the Analog Heat. I had spent so much time tweaking settings and just enjoying the process that I nearly abandoned the track. I decided to record it even if I didn’t have a proper B-section.

All audio is coming from the Digitone, with some heavy processing through the Analog Heat and a bit of mastering with Maximus (multiband expander). Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


You know now why AH users are very happy. It’s a gamechanger. Congrats on your new purchase, you deserve it!

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Thank you! I’m not sure how much I’ll perform on it live, but I imagine it’ll be really handy when automated from the DT or DN via midi :smiley:


Another great one !
My ultimate band of all time in the universe is Motorpsycho.
(So i’m a veteran Psychonaut and a fresh Elektronaut)

A few month ago i’ve discovered your YT channel and it’s always a treat to listen or to learn.
Norway really seems to deliver…

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Thanks a lot, @NeonMelk!

Digitone Sketch #23 Sinister Delay (January 24th 2021)

Another attempt at using the Analog Heat as an integral part of the track. I build the sounds around the Mid Drive circuit on the Heat, so it all sounds completely off the mark when bypassing the Heat. I may have overdone the distortion, but it’s so fun to push it right past the point where it starts distorting! I tried taming it a bit by using the envelope follower to duck the drive on the kicks and snares. It’s a fun way to get a pseudo-copressor effect, too :slight_smile: I’ll likely use it with a bit more subtlety once I get more familiar with it.

All audio is coming from the Digitone, with some heavy processing through the Analog Heat and a bit of mastering with Maximus (multiband expander). Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


I’m all for subtlety but hey, when you have to be nasty…

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Wow! Great vibe!


Thanks, @Tchu!

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Classic Tryti! :ok_hand:

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Thank you!

Digitone Sketch #24 Bulk Result (January 28th 2021)

I was very close to abandoning this track after spending hours just running it through the Analog Heat and trying different settings. It’s also the first time in a while since I’ve done a track with 3/4 time signature. When using the Mid Drive circuit on the Heat, I noticed I have to really keep an eye out on the levels, which is why my left hand is constantly riding the level knob while tweaking the filter cutoff or operator levels.

All audio is coming from the Digitone, with some heavy processing through the Analog Heat and a bit of mastering with Maximus (multiband expander). Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


Cozy with a hint of menace…Excellent !

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It is we who thank you :ok_hand:

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Thanks, @NeonMelk!

Haha, I really appreciate it, man :smiley:

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Digitone Sketch #25 Mutually Exclusive (February 1st 2021)

Yet another Digitone + Analog Heat track where I’m exploring the Heat’s different circuits. Right now my favorite circuit is Mid Drive. With the low EQ all the way up and a high-pass filter with a bit of resonance to boost the lows, the bass is punchy and warm and the mids break up beautifully. However, it’s lacking sparkly highs even with the high EQ turned all the way up.

After a lot of experimenting, I found out that I also really like the Classic Dist circuit, which DOES give me the sparkly highs I’m looking for. Unfortunately, while the lows are nice and clean, they don’t punch quite like with Mid Drive circuit. I was conflicted about which circuit to use, but ended up using Mid Drive and boosted the highs a bit in post. Classic Dist is definitely gonna be used in the future, though!

All audio is coming from the Digitone, with some heavy processing through the Analog Heat and a bit of mastering with Maximus (multiband expander). Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


Each time i listen to your music, i think my name is Deckard…


Great snare in this one! (great tune, too!)

Have you thought about releasing a Digitone pack of your percussion sounds (and any sounds)? You always dial in great overall kicks, snares, and everything percussive.

Edit… Though I’ve listened to your posts here… I haven’t bought your band camp albums since purchasing the first 5… just caught up. I can’t believe you’re letting go of your music for so little $$. Thanks!

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