@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music

Was the camera really vibrating, or was that added in post?

Vangelis never had beats like these.

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Check @Eaves’ Patreon, you’ll find 2 amazing packs :slight_smile:


Thank you so much, everyone! And thanks for the support @mr_bernard, I really appreciate it :). Like @LyingDalai said, I have two digitone packs on my patrons; one for melodic sounds and one for drum sounds.

@RobertSyrett the vibration was someone sending me a message and since I’m using my phone as camera… :smiley:


lmao, this is very relatable. I have taken to turning on airplane mode while shooting video.


HA! Great! I completely slept on the fact that @eaves has a Patreon. Thank you!


Digitakt Sketch #57 Filtered Feedback (February 4th 2021)

I sampled the noisy hum from some guitar pickups through the High Gain circuit on the Heat while it was feeding back on itself, while playing with its filter. I chopped up the sample and made this hard beat :smiley:

All audio is coming from the Digitakt, with some heavy processing through the Analog Heat and a bit of mastering with Maximus (multiband expander). Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


Nice harmonic side bands!

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Thank you! What is harmonic side band? I googled it but fell off on the first sentence on wikipedia

all the extra harmonics that come when you distort two or more notes together :slight_smile:

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Ohh, I see!

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Huge that sound! My knees are all elastic .


Thank you very much, man! That artwork is awesome :smiley:

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Thx, but easy to draw with a sound like that in the ears…

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Digitakt Sketch #58 Moment Catalyst (February 8th 2021)

I spent some time playing around with the Round Fuzz circuit on the Analog Heat. It distorts audio in a weird way that I find hard to use on the master channel. I ran the Digitakt through the Heat, and the Heat back into the Digitakt, and with monitoring turned on I got harsh, squealy feedback. If I played samples the distorted feedback would react in unpredictable ways, and this was really fun to sample! The main motif was a simple kick and snare pattern playing through the distorted feedback while I played around with the filter cutoff and resonance as well as the drive and wet amount.

All audio is coming from the Digitakt, with some heavy processing through the Analog Heat and a bit of mastering with Maximus (multiband expander). Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


Analog Four Sketch #1 Almost One Eight (February 13th 2021)

I’ve been having such a great time making purely synth-based music with the Digitone lately, and also been on the lookout for an analog synth for a while. The Analog Four had never really been on my radar because of its price and limited number of voices, but having an Elektron sequencer built into an analog synth is just too good. It’s why I chose it over monosynths to sequence via the Digitakt or Digitone when I saw a used one for a good price :slight_smile:

All audio is coming from the Analog Four, with some heavy processing through the Analog Heat and a bit of mastering with Maximus (multiband expander). Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


Impressive Mr Tryti! Why buy one Monosynth when you can have 4 of them with a bunch of Modulations.

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Thank you! Right? It does feel a bit like 4 monosynths


looks like you will end up owning all the elektron devices.

looking forward to hear all of them together.
edit: the ones you own now, that is.

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Analog Four Sketch #2 Knife Racer

This track was so fun to make! I wanted to make a bass sound with 2 voice unison, and this was the result. It’s just two saw oscillators, one of them with tracking disabled so I could parameter-lock 5ths and other fun intervals, and a saw-shaped LFO set to filter cutoff to make the bass play 16th notes.

The lead synth was a triangle wave with pulse-width modulation with really slow attack and release, drenched in delay and reverb. It sounded surprisingly bright when not filtered. I made a macro knob that opens up the filter and raises the volume of the 2nd oscillator which is identical, but two octaves higher and tuned slightly sharp.

For the drums I just used the drum sounds I made for my last track and changed them a bit. The biggest change was on the snare, where I made the release really long and gave it a saw-shaped LFO on the volume to fake a 16th note delay sound. The drums had their own macro knob that opened up the filter and raised the amp sustain to make them louder and play out longer.

I’ve heard a lot of discussions about the mk1 lacking in the low end compared to the mk2s. When I added the Analog Heat to add saturation and boost the lows, I was surprised that anything other than Clean Boost and a small increase on the EQ was too much! The Analog Four sounded huge on its own.

All audio is coming from the Analog Four, with some light processing through the Analog Heat and a bit of mastering with Maximus (multiband expander). Everything was recorded in one take, no overdubbing.

Thanks for listening!


This is seriously impressive.

Not sure I’ve ever heard the Analog Four pushed to this kind of a place before. Major props!

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