EDIT: OT not DN responsible for inputs suddenly muddy, lacking high end

How I Solved My Problem

I finally did the smart thing and put headphones into the DT and the sound was fine. The rolloff was happening on the OT, which is the last point in the path. However, there was no filter applied to the THRU track! I loaded a new OT project and then returned to the old one and now it’s fine…


This is very strange. I’ve been routing a new synth into the INPUT L and INPUT R jacks no problem. This morning I turned on the machines and began to play and the synth has the top is rolled off. There’s no high end. (Increasing Overdrive, for example, does nothing to the output.)

I plugged the same synth, same jacks into the OT INPUT C & D and they sound fine. (Ditto headphones, ofc.)

I created a new project and set up the INPUTS on the DN and still the same problem, affecting both L and R. I’m scared! (Altho it is less than six months since purchase.)

I reinstalled the latest firmware: same. :slightly_frowning_face:

maybe filter in the delay is turned on?

sadly no, there is no delay set and also this is happening across projects.

i plugged the headphones into the DN (should have done this before) and the proper sound is coming out of the box. the problem was in the path from DN to OT (which is my last box).