Effects workaround

just started digging into overbridge 1.10
I noticed, no effects on individual tracks when I set it up in ableton.
from what I understand, overbridge taps pre effects?
just wondering, is there a work around? is there a forum topic addressing this?
seems a shame to not have the individual track effects.

On AR and A4K the effects are general, not individual. You can only decide how much signal of each track you throw to the FX.

You can get the FX track in OB. In fact you can have both Master Pre-FX and Master Post-FX.

ah, yeah…got it to work. my rig isn’t supporting more than 6 channels (in 24 bit) (4in, 2 out) so if i’m trying to use all 4 tracks at once…i can’t hear the effects because the “main” input tracks aren’t enabled.
but in 16 bit i can get 8 tracks…(6 inputs, 2 out)
last night whenever i tried to enable the “main” inputs using 24 bit…there was the crazy squealing i’ve heard mentioned.

Lying Dalai,

I was going to post the same question as eddiex on this forum.

Got A4 setup with Ableton Live pulling in the 4 individual audio channels but no FX coming from the A4.

Could you go into more detail about how to set this up please?

In OB the options for

  • Input from A4
    Main L / Main R / Trk1 / Trk2 / Trk3 / Trk4 / Ext In L / Ext In R

Then Output to A4
Main L / Main R / Trk1 / Trk2 / Trk3 / Trk4 /

What do i set to what?
And what do I have to do in Live?

Like I said, I have all the 4 iondividual channels coming in OK. I followed manual/tutorials to get this all OK.

It’s just FX I’d like to pull in too.

Changing the Audio from in AbletonLive fir each channel from the track input from A4 to pre/post FX doesn’t work. It’s not pulling in sound from the A4.

Bit gutted that OB doesnt allow for the input of each FX assigned to the separate channels but I guess that’s as per signal path illustrated on Page 15 of the manual.

When using the 4 individual synth outs they leave the A4 before the Amp/Pan or FX Sends.

Is there a workaround?