El viento de la luna - BOC style track

El viento de la luna is the title of a book I have just read, from the spanish writer Antonio Muñoz Molina. The narration translates you to the childhood, where a 13 years adolescent from a little village of Spain tell us how he attended the Apolo XI space mission and the arrival of the man to the moon. A total pleasure to read, with a marvellous and beautiful prose that immerses you in how it was living in 1969, in the rural villages and all the changes that were coming to them. I was not born yet at 1969, but I do recognise much of what is said, and the book has remind me many moments and many details from my own childhood, the villages, my parents,…and also thinking in the present, in my children and what can be in their heads right now.

Technical notes: Norns is running the Reels script, using only a field recording of a children park in a loop. Most of the sounds from the Deluge are from the Boards of Deluge 3 soundpack.