Electronic/Sythesized Hip Hop/Rap Beat challenge

I think you just revived it, have at it fella, I’m a bit time poor at the moment hence the low output but feel free to throw something up, I’m always interested to hear other people’s takes on the whole Synth-Hop thing…:+1:


I shall post my failed Legend of Zelda entry which is entirely synthesized except for the toms (Drums are Bitwig E-Clap, E-Hat, E-Kick)

It’s my attempt at synthetic instrumental hiphop in 5/4

I shall also try and make something else when I have a mo.


Dunno what part of that you consider a failure @monquixote, its a dope little video game vignette, it’s fun and playful, just like games…:+1:


It didn’t have any Zelda samples :rofl:

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Hahaha I get yer… still a triumph :wink:

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Good… we need more music made with some intention to get us out his Jamuary slogfest.


synthetic beat, but used an orch hit sample.


So, you don’t have to have a Syntakt to join in on this? Any synth’ll do? Ok. I’ll be back with a beat then. Loving this thread so far too! Thx for revival Kable. That Roots Manuva one was a heater Sym. Holy hell Waft. Nasty!


Going off the OP’s description this is a non sample based challenge (ie synthesised) so yeah, no syntakt or other sampler required, just a good old synth of any flavour.

I missed out first time myself so I need to get my ass into gear and get something submitted to the thread myself.

Thanks man appreciate the kind words :grin:

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That sir was crunchy in all the right ways… dope👍

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You mean digitakt? Syntakt is all synthesis, right?

Mc101 is sample based drums.

You could be right, I’ve not given the syntakt much of a look.

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I’d love to see what you think if you ever get your hands on one.

It’s nasty.

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How do people feel about wavetables as part of this challenge? They’re technically samples, but you’re using that sample for all intents and purposes as an oscillator

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Yeah I guess as long as you’re using them inside say a wavetable synth or granular synth or whatever I guess it’s fair game, I think the main takeaway is that no samples are used in the beat, one shots etc… have at it…


As long as we’re all okay with clips or samples or whatever category it falls under in the following scenario…

I often use one or two synths so create drum and perc sounds which I then either sample into the MPC or record straight into the DAW. I then create the rhythm from those clips/samples. Point being the raw sound is all synthesised

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Cool idea, it was actually the other idea I
Had for the previous battle (what became the Zelda battle) but i wasn’t aware that this thread existed.

I’d love to dive into this, but is there a timeline for this battle?

One thought I did have that another hiphop oriented battle could canabalize the number of entries in all battles, but on the other hand, it might attract a wider audience.

Edit: misread, seems there is no active battle now. At least. Not yet…. :smiling_imp:

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Since you had an idea, might as try a new subject but run with it.

Just make the deadline far out. Like end of Feb. that way people got the time.

But keep the other battle the same. 2-3 week turnaround.

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I think I will take a little hosting break for now. But it someone wants to run with it. I’ll definitely join.

Otherwise, I might pick this up later if no one else does so before that :blush:

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