Electrosmith Daisy Field

Anyone try one of these yet? Max patches on the go, CV/gate and midi interfacing, seems interesting… check it @vvilms


Is there a proper review of this thing available anywhere by now? I couldn’t find anything really which is a bummer because it looks very interesting but at this stage it feels like buying a “cat in the bag” if I was seriously considering it. And not really in the price range of just ordering and testing it either.

I would like to see a full process of creating a instrument (ideally Max/MSP or M4L), uploading it and then actually using it in a setup to being to judge if this is actually really for me.

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I came to the same conclusion about this device. At this point, it just feels more sound to piece together a modular instrument instead.

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There is a new product called Simple made by Synthux Academy, that allows the rapid prototyping of a custom design, with the Electrosmith Daisy Seed, or similar products likeTeensy, Arduino Nano, etc.

Their two products are quite reasonably priced and well thought out to give a wide range of options, and allows for other more custom modifications. It conforms to a Eurorack standard but it is not limited to that.

Synthux Academy also includes an educational program, to ease this sort of development.

Here’s an example of a product that a user of their system prototyped :

The combination of things like Simple with the Electrosmith Daisy Seed opens more opportunities for the development of synthesizer systems, by motivated but less experienced developers.

It would also be reasonable to start with something like Simple as an interface to analog circuitry as well, especially similar kits that aids with analog synth designs, in a hybrid design.


Just ordered two daisy patch submodules to bring my modular and ideas to a next level.

SynthUX back at Superbooth 23 with the Daisy-based platform @Jukka mentions above:

Im curious about anyone here’s experiences with either this or the Daisy pod/seed/field/etc line. I’ve been considering one of these to work on DSP coding stuff alongside a mostly semi modular setup, starting simple with utility module type things but maybe eventually doing some effects etc coding, starting with PureData (or even Arduino) and branching out from there.

Anyone on the modular side of things getting into these?


I just posted in the Show of Shows thread an experimental product ( the Wiggler from Sound Werkshop ) that involves an interesting mechanical interface connect to a Daisy processor. It is a good example of the sort of thing that is possible for experimenters and developers to do.

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