Elektron Analog Drive sync via MIDI?

Hey guys can anybody help me with syncing the Analog Drive via Midi?

Thank you.



What to you mean by sync?
Control presets? Send it Program Changes.
Control parameters? Send it Control Changes (check manual for parameters list).

In both case, midi channel has to match.

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I am using a Multiclock for syncing all my gear to my DAW (Ableton). I have checked the manual but I don’t see the option to sync the Drive via Midi. There is a huge latency in my DAW. All my other gear can be synced via Multiclock.

For example if I make a kick or a bass through the Drive, I hear it twice in my DAW.

The Drive doesn’t have any sort of functionality that would require time syncing (no sequencer, no time parameters, etc.). It sounds like you just have an issue with monitoring settings between your interface and your DAW. The only reason you would need to use the multiclock with the Drive is if your are automating parameter changes over time, and those changes are time sensitive.

I imagine the issue is you have both direct monitoring in your interface and also software (DAW) monitoring enabled for the same inputs.