I used to control my Moog Voyager (RME) by voltage (VX 351 & 352).
Now I want to control it for the first time by MIDI whit my new Elektron Rytm MKII.
I had no problem getting first control over 2 things, Note and Length (where Lenght is Volume release on the Moog) by just connecting a MIDI cable and choosing channel 1 for both machines. But no Velocity or other control. I am new into the use of MIDI and I am lost as I could not find information about how to map outgoing MIDI from the Elektron to the needs of the Voyager. It seems obvious that there must be a way to control Velocity or Aftertouch. But I hope I can also map things like Filter frequency or even an LFO of the Elektron to the Moog? Thanks
The Rytm only outputs MIDI notes (including velocity), but not CC messages (“continuous controller”; aftertouch is classed as a continuous controller by the MIDI specification). It also doesn’t record Aftertouch into the sequencer.
You’ll only be able to pass notes to your Voyager. If you can map velocity to some other parameter on the Voyager, you can play notes with different velocity/parameter values but you won’t be able to send instructions to modulate the other parameter without also sending the note data.
Thank you. I now understand that the Rytm does not output information when I am play around with knobs (aka cc messages). But does it, when playing a note so when a Trig is active, output information on changes like Filter or amp settings (aka Parameter Locks)?
Is there a way around (hardware, software)?
Is the Apendix C : MIDI on page 82 only about incoming information?
(isn’t Aftertouch recorded in form of Lock Trigs?)
You could experiment with a separate hardware or software MIDI processor, translating Note and Velocity data into something else.
It’s for incoming information. Many of the possible CC numbers are undefined by the specification, because every synth is different and may need to have unique parameter assignments. The General MIDI specification, defines some standard CC->param mappings, and so many synths now follow those, but the list is not complete.
So, each synth needs to cone with a list of its own unique CC-param mappings. This is Appendix C.
This is a bit annoying, but it’s pretty easy to add p-locks for the specific parameters which might be controlled by Aftertouch.
Thank you!
So, 3 parameters found in the TRIG MENU, no more:
No, you can dial in via the rytm midi settings, that the knobs and pads do send (fixed) midi cc values / information. Also the pads can send aftertouch when played iirc
Oh Yes, thank you.
Manual: Midi Config > Port Config > ENCODER DEST controls whether the DATA ENTRY and TRACK LEVEL knobs will send MIDI data or not… same for PAD DEST, PRESSURE DEST, MUTE DEST.
Well the mapping is wildly random, it even changes with every machine. If somebody knows more about it please let me know. Meanwhile I will explore…
So sad these parameters do not send data when executed by Parameter Locks.