Elektron Machinedrum Remote X.05 is up!


Whats new:

Volume on Instrument-Pages added. There you can also define OUTPUT Routing.

Tonal-Mode is implemented aswell as all new Machines which come with X.05 OS.

New LFOs implemented.

Automation Auto-Re-Enable.

You can change Pattern and it will recall your Kit with Settings.

Presets have now 4 Banks.

Click on the DICES to set Random Parameter.

Shift-Click on Random SYN/FX/AMP…etc will reset Parameter back to KIT-State.

FXs can be loaded from different KITS.

It is possible to select FX-Pages to be included/excluded while loading.

UI is reflected when using Instrument-Dial or Page-Button.


Amazing update !


small Bugfixes:

v2.02 :

When using “GET” for single Kit-Dump, Name of the Kit wasn’t fetched. Fixed

When changing ENGINES the LFO-Destination-Parameters weren’t updated. Fixed


Hello I’m sorry but for me the font is not accurate when opened in Live.
As for the previous update.
can you please help ?
The pre-previous before was working ( not the one before x0.5, the one before)
Is the font a new font ?

When I open it in M4L in ableton its the good font, but not the good one when in the bottom of the ableton panel.


hi there the Font is MachinedrumUW.ttf
Can you post an example? Is it installed?

MachinedrumUW.ttf (12.0 KB)

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Thank you it’s working now !

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kewl :wink:

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I put a new version v2.03 in the Gumroad-Folder with a small reference pdf.
I want to clean things up a bit more, that’s why it’s not officially announced.
But if you are interested, go ahead.

btw. here is the MD Remote X.05 - Quick Reference.pdf (3.1 MB)

still in dev.


Has anyone gotten this working on Ableton 10 / Windows 10?

I’ve gotten as far as selecting my MIDI device and basically then Ableton crashes.

Might be related to some issues with Windows and the midi.imp externals that are needed for the md remote max patch?

From impersonal stereo, where the externals are provided:
Note: When using in Windows, imp.midi in cannot use any port that the host application (Max or Ableton Live) is also using. Any ports required to be used with imp.midi should be disabled in Max/Ableton MIDI preferences. This is due to Windows lacking a native multi-client MIDI driver.

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I had the port disabled in Ableton’s preferences…

About that imp.midi though, I know nothing about how to install externals so I don’t know if I installed them to the right place (“Documents/Max 8/Library”).

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I’m on Win10 too and I’ve had problems with controller type patches not working due to these externals not being tailored to the OS. Never found a great work around unfortunately :frowning:

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I’ve only experienced devices not working because of missing/misplaced externals. Max will show a notification in this case as well.

As a way of getting some more insight into what’s going on you could try making a m4l midi device using midi.imp, assign some virtual midi ports to it and see what happens.

Another thing to try is making a backup of your Ableton prefs etc and then open a new empty live set, load the remote controller and see what happens.

Obvs I’m clutching at straws, and possibly you’ve already considered or tried these troubleshooting methods… last windows version I actively used was win 98 :woozy_face:

As info for all of you in the windows fraction, i’m working on a version with udp to make it work without im.midi, as imp.midi also does not support m1 macs (yet?)… did this already with CLOCK and need some more in depth testing. so it’s around the corner.


great to hear!

Is there a step-by-step manual for this? It looks great, but the instructions are a little light/seem to require a fair bit of prior familiarity. :slight_smile:

I just bought this but can’t figure out how to get it to work with my Mk2 non-uw. I’ve got Windows 10, ableton 11. I got a free M4L machinedrum device working just fine so the connection overall is working. How am I supposed to set it up? there aren’t really any instructions given. Thanks!

It’s no use, I tried to get it working on Windows and though I asked for help author went quiet.

I sent him an email via his contact where i bought it on gumroad, so i’ll repost if i hear anything.

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