Elektron Mixer teaser?

Is this legit?

you can tell by it having not enough faders.
The Elektron mixer will have 1024 million optical crossfaders.

No, but I wish it was.

looks like a render.

Haha. Yeah that would be sweet… But would kinda suck to see Elektron put that many knobs on something after being so stingy on the AK :wink:

not big enough for motorised faders either.

It is basically a render - saw this on another forum a while ago. but its not a mixer, it was an idea for the Octatrack 2.0 which will never come.

I guess the hope is that it goes viral, and that we are forced to make it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It’s a nice render, but no… Not real.

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