Elektron Model: Cycles VST concept

Hello! I’m learning design and made my first personal project: an overbridge concept for a Model:Cycles. I took in account MIDI implementation so it’s probably can work!

What do you think?

The design process: https://www.behance.net/gallery/139772929/Elektron-ModelCycles-VST


Haven’t used a Cycles in a while so can’t speak for how comprehensive the controls are but it’s really clear and logical to navigate. I would happily use that to control a Cycles.


1 U in contour :wink:


Aesthetically I love how it looks almost physical/tangible in design.


thanks, fixed!


This is really nice work!

A few thoughts from a UXD:

  • The machine type icons, while on-brand, aren’t very descriptive by themselves – consider how you might show text labels both to aid selection and clarify current state.

  • The LFO section is very well considered, though having the drop-down above the LFO controls may give the impression that there are multiple LFOs per machine when it’s actually the modulation target for a single LFO.

  • The way they’re currently rendered, punch and sustain toggles look disabled when they’re off; I’d explore some other ways of showing toggle state.

Overall, this is very well thought-out and I could imagine it working beautifully as either a controller or an Opsix Native-style standalone.


Thank you for the feedback, I fully agree with all the points! The LFO problem seems to be very interesting, can’t find an obvious solution for now. As I know many designers fall in a trap with grey colour for states, it seems I fell too :sweat_smile:

The new Opsix plugin looks very cool! Going to learn something new from it, especially how parameter locks (motion) work. The overbridge lacks sequencer, hope someday it will appear.

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This looks really good! It would be exciting to see a full VST version of this (and for model:samples too…).

I think the LFO problem can be easily solved by just saying DEST: to the left of the drop-down menu. As for the punch and sustain toggles, I think one reason that they appear disabled when off is that the knobs have lighting on them while the toggle buttons don’t. Adding a light/shadow like the knobs would mitigate them appearing flat.