Elektron Pattern Clips! Now with Arrangement Mode!

Elektron Pattern Clips

beta 0.5.2

beta means it’s probably got some bugs but it works pretty well as far as I can tell.


  • Make patterns change on Elektron boxes at the correct time when sending program change messages (program change mode) or notes for pattern changes (Overbridge Mode) in both Session and Arrangement modes in Ableton Live.

  • Simplify the way the user tells the Elektron box to change to which specific pattern at what time.

Works with:

Analog Rytm MKI
Analog Rytm MKII
Analog Four MKI
Analog Keys
Analog Four MKII
Octatrack MKI
Octatrack MKII
Digitone Keys

Maybe works? Just try it (can’t test as I don’t have these machines):

Modal:Samples : maybe (can be added if not)
Modal:Cycles : maybe (can be added if not)

You can use as many instances as you have Elektron Devices and they all can be changing to whatever pattern whenever and don’t need to follow each other.

I’ve tested with 4 devices at a time all changing to different patterns.

Basic Use:

  • Create a new MIDI track and drop elektron pattern clips on the track.

  • Select either Program Change or Overbridge modes by clicking the box.

  • Route the MIDI channel on the MIDI track depending on which mode you are using.

  • Program Change Mode: Set MIDI out on the track to the Elektron Device you want to control. Select your program change channel that you have set up on your Elektron Device (e.g. Auto Channel)

  • Overbridge Mode: Route the MIDI out on the pattern clips track to the track that contains your Overbridge Plugin and set the Channel to Channel 16

  • Create clips and use the following naming convention.

    <CAPITALIZED PATTERN NAME><space><anything you want to write e.g. "intro" or "this the part thats super fecking sick bruh!">

    You must follow this naming convention or it will not work.

    is okay

    is not okay

    H12 Intro
    is okay

    is not okay

    h12 intro
    is not okay

  • Playing a clip in Session mode will send the associated program change or overbridge note(program change) when the clip is “armed” to start playing.

    This makes the program change happen “before” the clip starts playing so it has time to change without cycling the pattern one more time

  • Playing a clip in Arrangement mode will also send the pattern change “before” the clip starts playing.

    You can also loop a section of the Arrangement with the arrangement loop active .

    When the play head is approaching the end of the loop, it will send the pattern clip from the beginning of the loop slightly before looping back.

User Interface

As of beta 0.5.1, the only input on the device require from the user is to select
Program Change or Overbridge modes by clicking on the small box next to the one you want to use.

01 PM

The section to the right is for feedback about the clips being sent to your Elektron device.

The pink text tells you if you have Session clips sending patterns or if they are coming from the Arrangement mode. It will either say Session Mode Active or Arrangement Mode Active depending on where you are playing clips from.

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You can switch seamlessly between session and arrangement clips while working.

Pattern Sent (in blue):

Shows you the last clip sent to your Elektron Device from either Session clips or Arrangment clips.

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The green “Initializing Arrangement Mode” will show if the Arrangement Mode is ready and switches to “Ready” when it is.

32 PM It will say Initializing when you are in Session Mode most of the time.

The longer LCD Below will display when a clip from arrangement is stored into arrangement memory.

The step sequencer has some future intended uses, but for now it just shows the playing position from when the transport was started. It restarts at “1” when the transport is stopped and started again. It doesn’t currently fix itself when you jump around or use different time signatures.

It’s just there for a future use.

How to use Arrangement Mode

Arrangment mode was a very complex beast to achieve.

the Ableton LOM (or API basically) doesn’t provide much access to the arrangement mode so I had to be creative.

Here’s what a set of pattern clips might look like in arrangement mode.

Clips in Arrangement mode follow the same naming conventions as listed above.

Some rules (or at least strongly recommended) practices:


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Selecting “A1 Intro” like above will add the Pattern change and time it’s supposed to happen to the database.

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You can also place the cursor in the clip like the image above.

With the cursor in a clip (like the image above), you can hold the right or left arrows on your keyboard to move the cursor through all the clips to quickly update a whole track of clips.


Selecting Multiple clips at once WILL NOT WORK

If you record from Session to Arrangement view you will have to manually select the clips using one of the above methods.

Clips are automatically updated when you manually create them or change their names.
Basically anything that causes the clip to be selected without other clips selected at the same time will update it.


It should look like the image below.

Elektron Pattern Clips uses the start and end times of a clip to erase old data from he database when you’re re-sizing and moving clips around.

If you leave spaces between the clips you run the risk of a “start” time not being removed from the database. This can cause unintended program changes to be sent.

I’ll add more if I think of it but this should get people started.

without further…

elektron pattern clips.amxd (486.1 KB)


Is something useful for big boxes as well?

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Yes. For all boxes.


Very exciting!

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Okay, the device and basic instructions are available now :partying_face:

Found a bug already lol

  • You have to turn Arrangment loop on and then off again for it to start working in arrangement mode. :roll_eyes: Only when you first load it though.

I’ll fix it super quick


did you used spp messages to do this ?

I’m trying to understand ^^’

Im not sure what spp messages are?
If you mean Sysex then no (but I’ve been looking into Sysex for other purposes).


Updated the file to beta 0.5.2 (fixed the arrangement loop initialization bug).

SPP are Playin position messages of raw Midi.
Okok, I try to do something with this to have some direct jump on my machines.
I think I don’t understand what is the project you offer ^^’
Edit : I understand a bit but being a noob of ableton (I use it but as a noob) maybe a vidéo can be really uselfull to explain and help, a little video tutorial, … if you have the time ^^’

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In response the edit above:

I’ve definitely thought doing a video would be good and probably will do one soon when I have some time.

It seems complicated but in use it’s actually very simple.

Okay, so playing position. I don’t specifically use the playing position from MIDI.

I create a database with the start times of the clips in it.

Then I use the position of the playback in the arrangement view and add some small value to the time. I then use this new time to trigger clips in the database.

It (in simple terms) sends the program change message “early” so that the Elektron device has time to respond to the change message before the end of the currently playing pattern.

It solves an issue where you would send a program change and then have to wait until the pattern looped one more time before the change would actually happen.

It wont change the functionality of your Elektron Device.

In other words it wont give “direct jump” to a device that doesn’t already have it.

It just gives the Elektron device time to change patterns before it actually needs to change the pattern to be in sync with other things in your Ableton project.


Nice work man :+1: not easy task to try take on, I’ll give it a try…


I think it’s kinda interesting !
Thank you for having making this.
I will re focus on tomorrow.
So basically the elektron gear here receive program change from Abltn Live ?

Yes. Using Ableton Live to send the MIDI :slight_smile:
You can use it with or without Overbridge by toggling the button on the user interface.

Instructions are in the first post but feel free to ask if you get stuck.


Thanks! You’re the #1 user and tester of my max devices so far :grin:


thank you my man, I will give it a try (even if I am not an expert daw user). My question is very easy and philosophical: why such a needed function is not already available in overbridge? It looks to me that with your program we are now able to change the bloody kit per scene or across the arrangement? Correct?

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Yep, you get the idea I believe :slight_smile:

Pattern would be the exact term I think, but on DT / DN, kits & patterns are the same thing.

It’s a complex problem that would probably require a solution from both Elektron & Ableton working together. Rather than wait for that to happen, I’ve taken it into my own hands.


unfortunately I dont have ableton suite but standard, so no MAX for me. Not an expert daw user as I said, I just learned what m4L is. I hope Elektron is listening.

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Hey Airyck,

Just wanted to give you a huge shout-out. This is the essential piece that I’ve needed in my workflow. Up until now it has been such a pain in the ass to achieve this sort of reliability. This works. Over and out.

Cheers bud! :beers:


Thanks a ton for the feedback! I honestly hadn’t heard from anyone else as to whether or not it’s working for them :slight_smile:

It works for me, but I know all it’s quirks since I’m the one who made it.

Keep an eye out for updates. I’ll be cleaning things up a bit and working on some bug fixes.
I know there is at least one bug right now but most people wont notice it. It’s just an initialization bug that fixes it’s self as soon as you turn on the arrangement mode loop.

Lastly I’ll be adding more features and making the UI more polished. Eventually I’ll feel that it’s worth of a 1.0 release but I’m really picky about things working smoothly.

I’m happy to fill in that missing piece for you!
It was a hole for me too, which is why this came about in the first place.



Hey, I had test the other day it all works great from my quick test using four elektron all changing to different patterns etc…
so you just click on each clip to sort of teach its location ?
had a few times it didn’t change but clicking around on the clips seemed to fix it…
Brilliant stuff just to get this to work btw…

haven’t tried making a track with it yet. but definitely will try doing an arrangement with the pattern clips device after I finish a few things I’m working on…
thought I’d let u know I did have a problem with the graphics but it all worked as described

Thanks for making this I’ll be using this for sure !! either for complete arrangements to record into ableton or for kit changes so either way very useful…

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Thanks @DanJamesAUS I appreciate the feedback.

Yep, thats correct.
By selecting a clip you are both, deleting any changed content from the database, and adding new location content to the database.

Sometimes if you change the end time of a clip it also changes the start time of the next clip. You have to select that next clip for it to get updated.

You have the right idea though. The updating is pretty robust. So if things aren’t working as you expect, just select the clips individually in the “problem area” and you should be all updated.

Thats strange. Those are all just live.comment boxes so it’s very odd that they would load like that.
live comment is a very basic “text” thing built into Max for Live.

I used Ableton Fonts. I’m wondering if there is some issue with the font.
UI is a pain after getting everything else working so well.

I’ll look into what could be causing that graphics issue and release a fix for it as soon as I get a chance to figure out whats happening there.

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