Hello fellow Elektronauts! Wondering if someone else has the same issue. Loading Elektron plugins into Ableton Live immediately causes a crash, or in the few minutes afterwards. I wrote to Elektron costumer support and after various back and forth they told me its an issue with Max for Live (though it crashes on a blank project without any max for live devices running). Anyone else having this issue?
I have the latest version of Overbridge (1.15.0) running on the latest version of High Sierra (10.13.6) on the latest version of Ableton Live (10.0.2) on a Macbook Pro Retina.
But if Elektron says it’s a problem with M4L - then you’re probably toast for now. Since M4L is more tightly integrated with Live since V10 and runs all the time. As far as I understand.
Thank you Duke! it solved the issue
So it was that simple… I will definitely write back to Elektron Costumer support so they know what to do next time someone has the same problem!
Cheers !
Another thumbs up for this fix (reduce buffer to 256 samples or below). Works every time.
The funny part is, when I first got my AKeys I was on an older laptop, so all of my sessions wound up unplayable below infinity samples of buffer. This meant that the AKeys plugin hard-crashed Live whenever used in an existing song, but it wouldn’t when a song was new (at which time I’d still have the buffer down).
I went back and forth with Elektron CS on this and we never found an answer. This annoyed the snot out of me, because the total recall function was important in my work.
Thank god my new machine can keep up with a low buffer now.