Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

I’m assuming that’s a bit of humor there.


Right crazy face added.





Definitely not into some subscription based Elektron box.


I predict we will all have access to the Syntakt by thanksgiving

the great firmware updates.
…other companies would have put these features in a new device.
see Roland/Korg


What about all the trademarks they took out that didn’t materialize? (DigiStrike etc)

So Elektron may make a last second appearance. Nothings written in concrete?

Those were not taken out by Elektron Music Machine, but were taken by another company. I don’t know if this was done on behalf of Elektron or not.




In fact, some say the Syntakt has always been shipped, in a time long before the first fish came to land.


Thats what was being said on these forums as to why digitakt would never support the audio input mixing that digitone had. “Maxed out” is mostly a subjective opinion at the time rather than an objective truth.
And anyway adding new machines wouldnt increase CPU load.
A digitakt could probably run at least a few voices of digitone synth engine and vice versa.

[preemptive note : You = people]

You do realize, unless you are told, you can’t tell how a track was made. So…what ever is most fun/productive for the person making the music…is best who gives a f**k what it was made with.

With that, if you don’t like computers, don’t use one. If the new gear that doesn’t suit you specifically, don’t buy it. No sense in losing your sh** over it. You don’t need to buy every piece of gear that comes out. There’s no shortage of gear out there.

The music comes from within
Ae = laptops
Jaco Pastorius = bass
Both are super good

If Syntakt doesn’t make you sing, don’t get one. But don’t complain if it’s not what you want.


I think 707 from Roland got great updates after release.

Seems people are already getting rid of their Rytms in order to make room, I mean collect cash for a possible Machinedrum successor.
Second hand prices have dropped considerably.

It’s getting out of hand, really…Positive side is, if one was planning to get an Analog Rytm… :slight_smile:


This is amazing hahah, people are both pissed about the machine not matching their hopes and others are big scale selling off to buy one, and we have a name and a trademark registration to go on :joy:

Oh, btw! It’s gonna be a midi controller for their new SaaS cloud DAW offering



If “new machinedrum” gets called Syntakt, does that mean “new monomachine” will be called Monotone? :crazy_face::crazy_face::rofl:


Maybe… but Digitone runs on two coldfire cpus while Digitakt has one… that’s not a small difference.


Really depends who you ask. Model Cycles is my favourite stand alone machine. By far.


…ha…i’ll still go…of course…got a ticket…

and yes, i still got that little hope, soma is sneaking in some corner somewhere, just with no official floorplan address…just learned via craigs little hint, they were “only” announced in first place for some open panel thing anyways…so, who knows…
to make sure, i won’t miss out on an enner, i wrote them an official order and they already confirmed, i’m added to the waiting list…estimated time til i fínally lay my hands on it…up to 2 or 3 month by now…puh…
but whatsoever…i gonna enjoy myself, meet some old friends and collegues, maybe make some new ones and enjoy my personal football…talking nerdy about sonic tech shit…
and if i see any syntakt signs, i’ll report back on it here in realtime…of course… :wink:
but ooops…i forgot to pass by the berlin hq’s office…well…let’s wait and see…won’t make it tomorrow…that’s for sure…

and for those who are afraid of any subscription future box plans…no worries…
worst case scenario would be…u can purchase additional sound engines to add them to ur growing collection…only if u whish so…and then it would be for reasonable prices (like soundpax) and ur always free to pick another from a growing libary…
or it even ends up with some opensource code thing where users can create their own little inventions to share them via their website…
but most likely, it’s gonna be little give away extensions along with their further regular firmwareupdates…as usual…to keep the users happy about their everlasting investment…and to let them spread the word, what a great machine it is, so all the others out there buy it too…
that’s the style to create a long term success…
and hey…that’s kind of an old swedish tradition…keeping products fresh, even when they’re released ages ago…innit?