Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

It appears the trademark was approved today. Or the registration went through successfully.


That should get us to 1500 easily.


Calling Plum for the FUNC button


Whoo hoo! Time we started a post registration, speculation thread.

Pretty sure it’s a new technology to keep cables tidy.


I see that both red and plum are used on the DN, we need to reconsider mate. (Green and yellow are taken too)

I’d go for a nice British Leyland Brown.

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Cool. Now, they can finally begin designing the product :laughing:


No speculations needed, it’s pretty clear it’s a drum synth.
Based on FM from Digitone, but with machines similar way Analog rytm does this.
Basically a digital alternative to Analog rytm.


no its actually definitely a monomachine digi if you really think about it


Rytm? Or am I completely reading you wrong?

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100%, I meant Rytm!

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Both my wallet and deskspace would prefer no GAS activating new product within a year so no rush Elektron. Focus on a mind wobblin digitone update and next an update to push everyone who doesn’t have a analog heat to buy that one too. It will certainly make me happy and it has the smallest eco footprint. I will plant a :evergreen_tree: promised.


No speculation as a performance mixer? I know he’s out of the picture, but Cenk was all about that for years.

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Uuh I would love physical modeling


That would be like amazing! They should definetly do that!

But the trinity thing is sort of an illusion actually. Octatrack doesn’t really belong to a trinity. It’s more of a transition product between the ‘machine’ and ‘analog’ instrument duos. Also makes sense when you think about the mk2 versions. Octatrack never got the same ugrade in terms of shape, size, color and software. It’s architecture and sound is closer to the ‘machine’ duos.

And also:

  • 2 x ‘machine’ (regular and keys version of Monomachine counting as one)

  • 2 x ‘analog’ (A4 and AK counting as one)

  • 2 x ‘digi’ (DN and DNK counting as one)

  • 2 x ‘model’

Then there’s the single units that don’t really belong anywhere specifically. SIDstation, OT and AH.

So if Syntakt actually becomes a thing, then it could either be this odd transition product as OT was. Or maybe it is a part of a new ‘Syn’ duo. Or maybe not. Maybe Elektron will be shaking things up and become even less unpredictable. Who knows? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I see what you mean, does look a bit like the new thing will be in a model: format :thinking:

Like a keys version of M:C you mean? I doubt it, but maybe, you never know.

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Maybe, or maybe just something different but in that format enclosure :thinking: