Elektron Transfer software - File Drop issue

Hey guys,

Beginner query here - I have been trying to get some samples I have created onto my digitakt using the elektron transfer software but I keep getting the error ‘unknown file system’. I have tried mp3, wav, and AIFF formats but no joy :frowning:

I did notice that in the manual it says “. The exact list of supported file formats may depend on your computer OS and its built-in codecs.” - I’m running the latest mac OS and downloaded the latest version of the elektron transfer software, so I’m stumped - anyone have any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

Many Thanks!

maybe try a trusted source named/formatted correctly - maybe if that doesn’t work download it to a FAT usb stick if you have a funky os file structure

e.g. straight from the horse’s mouth

bit slow, but thanks for this btw :slight_smile:

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