Elektron-Users' Forum content is missing

Sounds like the old content management system malfunctions with PHP server updates or something like that. Hosting providers force these to prevent exploits of vulnerabilities in old versions. If you don t update your website to work with those things might break.

Still possible to reach threads I have bookmarked.

I just get this error every time

maybe it’s my browser (no-funny-stuff firefox)

Is this still working?

Umm, I’d say so.

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Could you define “this” and “working”? And if we’re getting strict about it, “is”, too. Thanks.


Elektro-users forum… It is giving me an error

Bad gateway here.

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Just noticed this.


Jon’s is the only Elektron name I can think of – anyone else recall the names of elektron employees that are active on the forum? 504 Gateway Time-out for elektron-users.com.

@papertiger @david @ufuk @Patrik @eangman @andreash probably a few others whose handles escape me.


Hmm. 504 was new to me!


Thanks for looking into it!

Just checked and the forum seems to be working again :smiley_cat:
Thanks to those who fixed things :pray:


That forum was amazing, I learned so much from it,
I would read a few threads there and get really motivated to go back to the MNM (and OT) and try the tricks I just learned.

Thanks for fixing it!

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