Elektron-Users' Forum content is missing

Hmm, all the posts have gone from the old EU forum, I went on there to check something, anyone know why/when that happened?


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I could try to reach out and see if someone knows.

Hope it’s not another “feature” of 2020.

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Weird, you can still click the last post, but all the forums are empty when you open them.


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yep, i was on the forum maybe a couple of weeks ago and things were working fine at the time… :thinking:


Yes same here, can still get to posts via internet archive but I hope that it can be fixed.

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I would highlight this issue in a new topic and flag as many people from Elektron as you can. No idea who is responsible for maintaining E-U anymore, but losing that resource is not in anyone’s interest, including Elektron’s.


Removing posts and private data, isnt that breaking the official secrets act ? :slight_smile:

thanks @avantronica


@avantronica has done this now, so hopefully someone from @elektron @elektronauts will see it.

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paging @eangman @Jon

I am old and can’t remember anyone else. :laughing:

Is Olle not at Elektron anymore?

Olle left unfortunately :cry:

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We can neither confirm nor deny that is breaking the official secrets act, nor whether the official secrets act even exists.


This is disturbing. We are hosting it but haven’t touched it for a long time. Also it seems on the listing is broken. The posts can be found if you have the right url to them. Will look in to it.


Thanks @David it is a relief that the posts have not been lost completely.


Thank you for looking into it, @David

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things seem to be back to normal now, checked the other day and messages were there. thanks to those who took care of restoring the EU forum :smiley_cat:


Hmm, still not working here, every category has no posts showing, I tried refreshing and desktop and mobile versions of the site.

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using a search engine, the messages do show up, which is what i did but didn’t check if it was also working on the forum itself. they are not visible using the forum though; clicking on the last post of the threads

will take you to thread. all the other messages are still there too … :thinking:

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…so this is probably what happens with the search engine, so mh…still not working then :expressionless:


Still not working. Seems awful to let such an amazing resource go, even if it gave me emotional vertigo to visit.