Elektronauts Beat Battle #11: As far back as I can remember I wanted to be a Gangster #HipHop

Grrrrr… I had something nice going on my relatively new OTmk2, but the Octacard (cheap CF card with a sticker on it) that comes with it decided to bug out again. Resulting in corrupted samples etc.

Guess I am going to have to redo it…

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Get yourself a solid one. A SanDisk 64GB and you don’t have to look back again.
It’s such a heartache to see one’s work destroyed by faulty gear.

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Yup, ordered already :slight_smile:

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Does Serato Sample compliment the MPC? Or is it the same. but different.? MPC Software does the same thing? What’s the draw for Serato?

It’s the same chopping scenario with imho superior time stretch and pitching, I’ve never used the plugin inside of the mpc software myself but I would imagine it operates much the same as any other host, you launch an instance set your group to keyboard mode and make sure your root note starts at c1 in a chromatic scale…

The advantages as far as I’m concerned is it’s ability to automatically find useable chops very quickly and easily… there’s free trial if you want to see if it fits your workflow… That’s probably the best way to evaluate it and also to watch a bunch of tube vids about it…


I might have a look at that… I really like the MPC, but MPC Software is a PITA.

Yeah the software is worse than the hardware for sure, it’s almost like they tried to make as unintuitive as possible😅, You’ve got Ableton though right? Sample is superb in that…

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Got 5 tracks in already!

@Doug and @Unifono I didn’t get anything from you guys yet or did I miss a message? No need to rush by the way, take until the deadline if you want, but just making sure I didn’t miss anything?

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Nah, I’m going to send it closer to the deadline in case I decide I want to change anything

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Thanks for asking. I will send it before the deadline, but I want to relisten to it after leaving it for a while :slightly_smiling_face:


No worries guys! Take your time, can’t wait to hear what you guys come up with!

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I just did an oopsie. Can a bass sample count as a virtual instrument if I’m playing it as an MPC keygroup? :joy: Normally I wouldn’t ask but I really like this bass :joy:

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Yeah that’s fine man, I put in the thing about bass because people would usually find a tone and filter it from the samples we have to use and it always ends up unrecognisable from its original source anyway.
So in this battle you can kind of consider the bass a bit of a free for all like the drums.

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I have yet to master the art of filtering a bass tone. :joy: Thanks mate :grin:

Haha no worries, I’ve yet to start.
Having been unable to smoke due to illness I’ve come to the horrible realisation that I can’t or am not keen on making beats unless I smoke :joy:
So I really don’t know how this is gonna pan out for myself, but I’m gonna force meself some point this weekend


Are we talking cigarettes or the green stuff? :joy:

I remember back in my smoking a lot of weed days I was great at making beats while high until I listened back to what I had made the next morning… I found out that building a solid foundation while sober and only smoking when I reached the phase of adding creative layers/variations is the sweet spot for making good tunes :muscle:t3:

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Both at the moment to be honest :joy:

I think it’s more the urge to start that’s lacking at the moment rather than any other aspect, I’m sure I’ll be glad I did once I begin.
But I’m definitely gonna start at the weekend, I’m actually thinking of using Ableton to make the whole beat for a change.


Haha nice! What do you use normally to make these battle beats?

100% Digitakt, from start to finish really, but as I might put an acapella verse on the beat I thought I would use Ableton just for convenience this time but I might change my mind yet.

Listening through the playlist of goodfellas tracks now and I can hear three or four that have been sampled before, one particular track quite a lot.
But there’s loads of choice so I don’t know where to start, but I’m looking forward to hearing peoples particular choice of track or tracks they sampled


Dope! I like the fact that a lot of the (winning) battle entries have actually been made on elektron gear, even though it’s not a requirement for these battles at all. I think at least you, Doug and Drrumble use the DT all the time, and I did all of my tracks up until the last one on the AR.

Not sure about the rest but I think some other make heat on mpc’s, DAW’s, sp404’s and even the little pocket operators, so I guess it’s more about skill than gear used. i’m curious to hear whether you sound different using your daw…