Elektronauts.com not working on LTE/mobile networks?

I noticed this a few weeks ago. I’m on wifi at home now writing this but moments ago the page never loaded when on LTE. It seems to be the only site affected on my iPhone running the latest IOS. Curious if anyone else is having this odd issue! I’ve googled and tried remedies but nothing has worked so far.

I’ve noticed a few times over the last month that the site has been down completely for a couple of hours at a time. I even pinged the server to see what was up. It was weird because there was no post blowing up at the time that would account for heavy load.


Same here. Not for hours, but over a period of 2 weeks or so, I had similar issues.

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Hey, we’ve noticed this issue as well.

Please private message me your wireless device make and model, and your wireless data provider, and country.

i.e. iPhone XS

PM’d to keep phone/network info off a public forum :slight_smile:


I’m experiencing this issue since 3-4 weeks on iPhone. As it is my only internet access I tried dozens of things, but without success: turning off and on again, change DNS, update to the last OS, erase wireless settings, deactivate every ad blockers, tried alternative browser, etc)

I tried to make it work through a shared connexion on a laptop or iPad, and it worked 2 or 3 times on each device then stopped for ever, or sometimes it just works a few minutes/seconds. (I still don’t get why)

The obvious (but late) solution I found is to use a VPN. I tried a free extension on Chrome on OS X and ProtonVPN on iOS and it works like a charm (for now)

Now I have a month late of GAS reading and product launch debates :sweat_smile:

I can also confirm that using a VPN on my mobile device makes elektronauts.com work on mobile data, where as without the VPN it will not work on mobile data. CC:@David


Strange I can’t reproduce this. Have you tried an other browser? Chrome for instance.

I get the same results in chrome

Which Iphone and operator?

Today was the 1st time in over a month that i was able access Elektronauts on my phone, using Mobile data & Chrome.

What have you changed? Nothing has changed on our side.

Absolutely nothing.

I’ve had a few times when it worked briefly on my iPhone XR over LTE this month, but generally still needs to be on WiFi.

Here it’s still only working with a VPN.
iPhone SE2020, last OS, 4G in France

I have a samsung note and havent been able to access the site on it for weeks.

I’m here on LTE!

I’m still unable to access Elektronauts via Chrome or Safari when I’m out and about. This has been happening for months now.

It worked for a minute and then stopped. This is just weird.

Non-working for me still as well.