Elektronauts Hip Hop Beat Battle #10: When We Were 10

Submitted something really crappy last minute that i made figuring out Koala, but I had fun! Thanks again @PineappleDave and @waftlord!

I am really looking forward to all of your beats! There are some crazy talented people here, and I am looking forward to be amazed and feel nostalgic at the same time :relieved:


I’ve had a nightmare day… Everton (football/soccer) beaten at home and caught a bad migraine amongst trying to get a submission in… just about did it and feel like I owe everyone an apology because you’ll have to listen to it. :roll_eyes:


Damn, I’m just stuck in my sample, can’t get out of it.
Because it’s absolutely gorgeous, this is the track you’ve escaped to:

I did the drums on the Syntakt, 4 sounds, in 3/4 bpm 105.
3 other sounds from the mandatory theme songs.

I found a clean version, resynced the whole audio so that I can loop anything, cut it into pieces…
But this theme song by John Barry is too powerful to be tamed that easily. What a beauty.

I blame myself for not having started earlier. A shame.


Could our tracks end up as a digital beat tape on bandcamp or something? I’m excited to hear them all together

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That was suggested for the last one as well. I’d love for that to happen, but we would have to figure out how to set it up properly. So let’s wait and see😁


@Unifono and I are gonna make that happen right? I just need to make a bit of time and will get on it.

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when we agreed the min/max track length for this battle this was in the hope someone would do a live juggle/chop/scratch BB10 mix with serato or similar…

but bandcamp BB winning trio collections with any proceeds going to chosen charities (and bandcamps pocket for hosting… :face_with_monocle:) sounds good.

sorry for the delay folks, i forgot to include some info, @PineappleDave should be posting the blind vote thread later today :keycap_ten:


We have to create a bandcamp account for elektronauts radio first. And decide about artwork etc
Somebody, or a few users have to manage that account.


yeah the admin responsibility is the pain here. also would free download/charitable cause resolve all the uncleared sample usage!?


I think it should be mentioned that this is for educational purpose or other fair use….


No news of this battle ? Wait for the next !

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Voting is currently underway. The results will be made public :slight_smile:

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