Elektronauts Hip-Hop Beat Battle #12 Lucky Number 1200 Edition - Voting and Feedback

As usual, you’re voting for your top three beats. When everyone’s had a chance to vote, I’ll reveal who did what. Remember that you’re only voting if you’ve submitted a beat. And obviously, you can’t vote for yourself.

I’m going to go with the same time frame as the last go round. You’ve got 5 days to get your vote in not counting today. So that means that the deadline for voting is Wednesday, July 20th.

If, however everyone gets their votes in before that, we can do the reveal at that time.

At long last, here is the playlist:

And here are the samples that folks used.

Beat 1:

Beat 2:

Beat 3:

Beat 4:

Beat 5:

Beat 6:

Beat 7:

Beat 8:

Beat 9:

Beat 10:

Beat 11:

Beat 12:

Beat 13:

Beat 14:

Beat 15:

I don’t know why Souncloud arranged everything like that. I hope everything else is in order. Enjoy!


Can’t wait to go through these! Also, it’s super cool to be able to listen to the files of their samples. Great idea @Doug :fire:



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This was fun! Thank you again for running.

SoundCloud looks at the first digit of a number to determine order instead of the whole number. I think most people get around this by doing 01, 02… 09, 10, etc, but it’s readable as-is

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That makes sense. I messed up the first time I tried to upload it so I wasn’t trying to go back and mess with it. Plus it’s in more or less random order anyway

ha! i skimmed the top and thought, “oh, hey… only 9 beats this time.” no, no…

can’t wait to listen to this group. kudos in advance to all who participated!

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Ok, winner was easy but figuring out 2 & 3 is tough.

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My top three are
1st 4
2nd 14
3rd 8


Wow, mad talent going on in here. Glad I don’t have to vote and can just enjoy some fine fine tracks!


1st: 10
2nd: 15
3rd: 06

So much talent here, kinda ridiculous.


This is a really good playlist, it was hard to narrow down. Great job everyone.

  1. Beat 14
  2. Beat 9
  3. Beat 6

Nice setup, with the samples.
I’ve only skimmed through and love what I’m hearing, nice work as usual, looking forward to giving them a proper listen and I’ll get my vote in before the weekend is over.

1st: 4
2nd: 14
3rd: 10

As other have said, hard to pick with all this quality. I will edit this post after all voting is in with thoughts about each beat. Nicely done everyone!

1 - Rhythm is so tightly wound with with lyrics. Skillfully done
2 - Mine. Production Notes to follow
3 - Lovely melody editing both before and after the beat switch. I love this snare sound. Good mood match for the introspective lyrics
4 - Explosive, transformative, and confident. Blockhead better watch his back. (Selfishly, as a Mountain Goats fan, I wish you’d kept JD’s verse in, but I recognize that would have totally wrecked the vibe)
5 - What a performance/editing workout! Feels like being given a grand tour of sonic possibilities
6 - A classic sound well executed. What more do you need?
7 - Drums are huge without being overwhelming, and I really like the buzzy bass
8 - Everything is arranged so nicely, varied but with no part overwhelming any other. Classic
9 - Bold pairing an intense Busta acapella with the oh-so-smooth Reason clip. The drums and clap are your secret weapons, gluing everything together
10 - This just goes, sounds pulling in every direction while still feeling cohesive
11 - A laid-back groove in a haunted house. Awesome
12 - …Followed by mad scientist vibes. Every sounds seems lovingly picked and given a chance to shine
13 - Gets increasingly grimy in the best way
14 - So you’re gonna put out the instrumental for this on bandcamp, right?
15 - The one that most made me wanna dance. EQing this must have been intense. I wish there was more


The top-3 was decided by my 10 month old son. The beats that got most moshing were the best aside my own track which also got a ton of moshing:

1st: 4
2nd: 6
3rd: 15


crazy good results here again. Just had a listen. What a pleasure :black_heart:


Great tracks guys! Love the oldschool vibe of a lot of these.

top 3:

  1. beat 4
  2. beat 6
  3. beat 10

Here’s my notes on all tracks:

beat 1. Dope drums and overall vibe. The track really matches the acapella. I love the bassline.
beat 2. Great bassline as well. Love the switchups as they’re completely unexpected.
beat 3. Love these drums, and the way the bassline comes in. The switchup in the second half is crazy! Feel like this would be better without the acapella though.
beat 4. The electric guitars give this track a sound which is unlike most of the beats submitted to these battles normally. It really matches the acapella well and sounds like it was meant like this. Great track overall!
beat 5. Dope oldschool vibe on this one. Are those sp 404 fx going on? Really refreshing sound on this one. Another crazy switchup halfway which works really well. Kind of a madlib vibe going on.
beat 6. This reminds me of something that would fit very well in a videogame soundtrack like tony hawk or something. Great oldschool party vibe.
beat 7. Damnn thats some bass and drums going on. This would literally blow up a party when played over a large PA. It works really well in it’s relative sparsity
beat 8. I like the drums but the track starts really suddenly with the acapella like this.
beat 9. The drums sound really full on this. I like the beat a lot, but the acapella doesn’t really match it IMO vibewise.
beat 10. Great sounds on this one. Cool bassline and it really fits the acapella. True Boombap vibes.
beat 11. Love the dubby fx on the drums. Good job on making everything sound as a whole instead of a collection of samples. Really full sound.
beat 12. Wow these drums are unexpected… Cool fx and breaks.
beat 13. Dope drums and nice and full sounding beat. Bit of MF DOOM vibes on this one.
beat 14. Cool intro. Love the drums, bass, vocal sample and acapella together. There’s one key sound going dissonant all over which I liked for a while, but kinda starts to bother me after a while, which just kept this outside of the top3 for me sadly. Great overall track though.
beat 15. Very original both in groove and use of samples. I have a feeling I can hear who did this one :wink:



Can’t vote, but i still want to protest about the ridiculously good quality of what’s coming out from these battles.
This is unacceptable…


No kidding. I’d like to participate, but I’ve never made anything anywhere near this level. I actually liked every song. Very impressive


I felt the same a couple months ago. Now this is my second battle. Everyone has been very welcoming, so I think if you wanna try it, try it!