Elektronauts Hip-Hop Beat Battle #12: Lucky Number 1200

EDIT: Just occurred to me it’d probably be easier just to put the collaborative link here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIkCgPi6ZxfILlZ4daFw6SzvPcWk_JwWP&jct=m3hhtEdm5TpHD7gnVYZhpuBpF1Az9Q

Strange. I am seeing it here. Can you recheck? If you still don’t see it I can re-add it

@Maisin just added yours

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I am not going to make it this time unfortunately. I tried cooking up something, but I ended up not liking it so I ditched the idea and did not find the time to make something else.

Good luck everyone, looking forward to hearing your creations!

Mine isn’t there either

Maybe country restrictions? I see versions of both your and @emadb 's song in the playlist, but the versions both of you embedded are showing not available in this thread.

Are you able to see/add them at the collaborative link?

If not, PM me a link and I can try to re-add them

EDIT: Added both songs again to the bottom from different uploaders. Can you see them now? If you can, I’ll reposition them in the list


Yes I see it now! Thank you.
There is still a hidden video: 1 unavailable video is hidden
Don’t know what it is.

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There’s so much to sample in this song.


I’m in


Thank you everyone for your song submissions. We’re now on to the next phase of this–the actual beatmaking.

Once you’re finished, remember that I want a pm that includes:

  1. A wav or an mp3 of your entry.
  2. An mp3 with the pieces of the samples that you actually used.
  3. A list of the samples that you used.

The deadline is Wednesday, July 13th

Please let me know if you need any further clarification on my weird arbitrary rules.


@Doug hey, man…I’ve had a sick child all weekend so I forgot to submit my song. Any way you can let me submit something within the next two hours and join in?

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That’s no problem. I’m glad you’ll be joining us. Hope your child is well

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I put my headphones on to check on any flaws in my beat and I can hear a buzzing on all the samples, it’s pretty low sounding but won’t be once I’ve maximised and mastered it, I’ve just discovered that the input lead I used to sample is now not working properly.

so obviously I’m really happy about having to replace all the samples and make sure they are all exactly the same length or it’ll throw all my strart points off on Digitakt.

O what fun :smiley:



I’ve sampled something that’s about ten seconds long but i’ve only used two stabs from different parts of that sample, they probably total no more than 1-2 seconds.

Do you want the whole section I’ve sampled when I send it to you, or just those individual stabs?

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Finished something. But not sure if it meets the rules :sweat_smile: Have to validate

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how are people finding the process so far? is it easier to meet the short sample time requirements with hardware or not? it felt like this would be a perfect challenge for the DT, but i haven’t used mine yet for this challenge. it’s involved a bunch more work so far in ableton.


That’s up to you. For that part of it, what I want is for folks to be able to hear the relevant parts of the song. How people choose what parts to use is always interesting to me.


I figured out how much sample time I used and it was way less than I thought. Calculating total sample time was a real pain. Hardware definitely didn’t make that part easier because I had no way of knowing how long each sample was so I had to resample all the bits into one sample to solve that math equation

Even worse I scrapped my first beat so I had to do this twice

This process was interesting to work in an old school mindset because you have to be more selective about the samples you use when sample time is short.
I wonder how different some of the stuff made say 30 years ago would be if they didn’t have those limitations


I haven’t been able to work on it yet😂 but I plan to