Elektronauts Hip Hop Beat Battle #2 - Escape from New York edition

With a zoom on the mixer where the pc is connected.

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either https://ytmp3.cc/youtube-to-mp3, or what i’ve been using lately, youtube-dl.

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Not really a clever quick batch solution here… but this is the fastest and most accurate sampling technique I’ve found so far.

For this round I grabbed and chopped all my samples from an iPad by;

  1. Turning on iPad screen recording while the desired sample window plays (in this case, usually the YouTube video playing from within this thread).
  2. Importing the resulting video in to koala sampler.
  3. Giving a chefs kiss to the wonderful future we live in.
    (seriously though, it was super handy to be able to grab everything I wanted on the fly without ever leaving the forum).

Yeah, I just sampled into the Circuit from my phone right off of this page. Last time around, I did the loopback thing to record parts into Audacity.

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I use 4K Download. The free version rips audio. Just copy and paste the URL and it rips it.

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Yes! This! The guy that got me into doing my first beat battles gave me the same advice. It’s been the best way I’ve found to learn my machine or software and about composing in general. It’s not at all about competing with people. Each time you do it, you’ll get better and better, but the key is to just get something out there to start the process. I learned stuff in this latest project that I’ll be able to use from now on and the failures are often better learning experiences than the successes.

The more tracks we get the better, whether it’s people’s first track ever or whether they are seasoned veterans, all are welcome! Even if it’s a 30-second idea, that’s fine! Just get it out there and then move on to the next thing.


All the techniques - thanks guys. I’ve been going out of my soundcards into the tracker or dt - ripping an chopping on the computer first might be a good bet, thanks for the riper suggestionsp

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You can plug the DT in to your computer via USB then select the DT as your audio device on Windows/Mac (no overbridge needed). Then you can just sample from USB input on the DT.


Haha I love the fact you named it “Weird Hip-Hop”… Very nice track, it does indeed sound a bit 80’s New York.


Really sick groove. Super head noddy.

Slightly off topic, but have you ever owned a Roland SP? Seeing your live flows recently, I just have this feeling that you would be a beast on an SP.


Ok here we go.

Used the track Orientation from @DimensionsTomorrow and Yoshimi & Yuka track from @Stupid_zen



@FNKSTRNG I liked how I think we took the exact same pieces and did something completely different with them. Like I used the Yoshimi and Yuka track along with some others to make this weird blob of sound and the bit from Orientation as more of a standard bass whereas it sounds like you leaned into the pitched percussion thing and even took the Orientation bit in that direction for part of it. Sounded cool. I also liked the sort of one track drum programming you did.

@rockpapergoat Yours I think was the most opposite of mine. It was this unfolding cinematic thing. It was also a lot different than what you did last time too. I liked it a lot. Am I the only one that remembers Duration by sixtoo? It kind of reminded me of that. Side note, the bit from that Leaving the Shire one was also interesting to me because I think that little bit from a prog rock record about Lord of the Rings could probably work as a G Funk thing.

@Sleepyhead Your beat sounded like one of your beats, which is to say, great. I agree with rockpapergoat that the AR is kind of a secret weapon for old school style hip-hop production. And you’re great with it.

@DimensionsTomorrow I liked yours a lot. I liked the way you processed your samples in particular. I can hear that you’ve got the harp from the Alan Parker record up against the synth line and then you go back and forth between that and the Leong Lau song. But it just sounds like two parts from the same record. Very cool.

Also nah, I have owned a 404. The 202 was actually my very first sampler. But I don’t get along with them since after the 202 they don’t really have pitch control.


For your consideration.

I’m not sure if this really can be classified as hip hop but it had a vibe and I had to go with it. I ended up using a lot more of the provided samples on this one including drums and bass from the Escape from New York samples provided by @DimensionsTomorrow, vocals and strings from @Yabba’s selection, @the_PMO’s track, more vocals from @nionmu’s track, dialogue from @kuroichi’s contribution, and lots of bits from @Buska’s provided track. Basic sequencing was again done in the Digitakt and I added synths, bass and other little bits here and there. Thanks again for a great challenge - I loved the theme that you provided @DimensionsTomorrow and the samples you folks provided were top notch.


My beat made on the Digitakt :

I use samples from :

Escape from NY Track 8 - HitHat loop
Escape from NY Track 10 - Little guitar/bass chop
Escape from NY Track 3 - Bass note
Escape From NY Track 6 - Synth Note

This Man Alone - Main sample

Blue shadow - Shiny Chops

Kick and snare are Goldbaby samples

I wanted to put more work on it, you guys pushed me to improve my skills on the previous battle, you all made amazing work, but i’m on holidays and want to spend time with my wife and family so i didn’t had time for beatmaking. But this is a quick beat, hope you’ll enjoy it.

Congratulations to everyone who participate in the battle, i really enjoy your beats and i’m amazed by so much creativity. Thanks for making good music and thanks to @Sleepyhead and @DimensionsTomorrow for organising this.

I will take the time to listen to all the beats already posted in good conditions.


I made it by the skin of my teeth! Made this beat last weekend quickly before I was gone camping until yesterday.

The mix is a bit rough but I can live with that. I made this video, which I tried, unsuccessfully, to keep short. In it I give a rundown of the samples used and some of the technical side of the production.

This is a picture of my notes attempting to keep everything straight🤣

This ones a bit more lofi which is explained in the video. Even though there is no acapella I still kept an arrangement with a couple 16 bar verses. Also, no hooks in place of MCs as I think that starts to verge into triphop territory.

I believe I was able to use at least one sample from each of the followings submitted samples:


Again, I’ve been digging everyone’s stuff so far. Can’t wait to hear the rest!


these folks too

I ran into this issue


Here we go:

I wanted to try and make something that was in keeping with the movie, which turned out to be difficult. It did lead me to try things I wouldn’t normally do, so well worth it!

All the sounds, including drums, comes from 10, 8 and 6 of @DimensionsTomorrow’s soundtracks.
The spoken parts are from @PekeDorty’s alternative beginning and @TheGhostCat’s Audio Collage.

Thanks again to @Sleepyhead and @DimensionsTomorrow for getting this train rolling, and well done to everyone taking part!


As I had sorta feared, work and dad modes have dominated my schedule all week so I’ll be (somewhat regrettably) taking a DNQ for this round.
Why only partial regret? Well, I had a few hours originally carved out today for finishing things up, buuuut opted instead to partake in a patently less New Yorkish type of adventure.

As expected, everything submitted so far is fire, and surely the rest of the submissions will be too… I look forward to hearing them all.

I’ll get y’all next round.


I’ve tried a few takes, feels like a good time to go ahead and submit mine too :slight_smile: Frodo and Sam decide to escape from the monotony of the Shire and need a jaunty tune to set their pace …

Samples: @DimensionsTomorrow Orientation track for that bass line. @Buska Leaving Shire for the main hits, swells, and namesake. @Stupid_zen KoRoKoKoRo!! pitched way down flutes, lovely vibe to sample here. @ViolentMeals Herb for the bongos. I used MPC60 samples for the drums.

Process: like @CCMP, these battles are a new style for me and turning out to be a great way to learn my gear better. Last battle was all Blackbox, this time I incorporated the Deluge as well (used to sketch the initial idea, played drums and bass in the final take). It was a challenge to use more gear, while still being a novice to making beats. I struggled to find work out the arrangement but at the end had fun with performing the takes. Other gear used includes Bluebox, SiX, Matriarch, and DD7.

Thanks for all who submitted samples, I had fun listening to them! Looking forward to hearing everyone’s contributions! Big thanks to @Sleepyhead and @DimensionsTomorrow (and the greater Elektronauts Hip-Hop community) for curating a welcoming and inspiring place to gather and grow as musicians :pray:t4: :heart:


This is a very cobbled together version, but it is what it is.

Gear used: OP-1 and Drambo—straight bounce, no mastering, so forgive the roughness. Vocal sample was isolated in Logic before use. Rain and thunderclap were a field recording from my balcony on an Olympus LS-10.

Samples from: @rockpapergoat, @DimensionsTomorrow, @Doug, @sezare56

I used many other samples in my first version, but I managed to overdub on the wrong track (OP-1) and had to scrap it. The posted track was a swift rework in Drambo.

I’ve enjoyed everything so far.
